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Old 09-08-2008, 01:03 PM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 121
Default The laws of the universe

Beneath all are the four laws of the universe, do and will apply into infinity. To acquaint oneself with these laws and learn to apply them individually and collectively will bring into creation the new earth and a new understanding of “heaven.”

As in all things it is necessary to begin at the beginning. The laws briefly as follows:

1. The law of attraction: like attracts like

2. The law of deliberate intent: what is intended and held resolutely within thought, word and deed manifest.

3. The law of allowance: allowing what is intended to manifest while using the observer mode to be awake and aware while continuing to hold the focus without being rigid as to the outcome. (Allowing thought to think!)

4. The law of balance: applying the first 3 laws and focusing within the present moment.

Within the ability to comprehend, accept and apply these laws, lies the future designs of mankind’s experience.

The laws of the universe allow those who help themselves to be helped.
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