Thread: Ex-Christian
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Old 12-23-2009, 03:59 AM   #69
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Ex-Christian

Originally Posted by 100thmonkey View Post

Yet Jesus, or any other teacher/guru isn't necessary for people to come to the realisation of their own I AM, or all of our One-ness, eventually.

'Life' is our greatest teacher - that's the Creator's original 'Gospel', and it's freely avalable to all, by default.

Yes, it was "Life" that got me starting my clearing work. I'm very aggressive about it and I find that the being I fixated upon (as either negative or positive) yesterday is released tomorrow.

For example, the night before my next session I kept wanting to look at pictures of white roses and did not like the fact that they had thorny stems. What comes up in session the next day? That very same metaphor of a duality that has frustrated me for eons. Solved. Question: what will I "fixate" on next? Answer: whatever is ready to be cleared in my next session.

Uncollapsing from all these beings and images peels off another layer of the onion and brings me closer to the zero point where I was and knew I was connected and was/am the All-that-is. For some strange reason that makes it easier for me to be happy with my 3D existence too.- like a toddler who knows he has not lost his Mommy in the Department Store :-)
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