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Old 12-11-2008, 02:15 AM   #24
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The Revelations of an Elite Family Insider

I found this q/a particularly interesting and helpful. This does not sound like a raging, hate filled, demonic monster -- if HH is indeed who s/he says s/he is. (Seems like a masculine tone to me so I'll say he). It's interesting, ok, rather mind blowing, that he might well be.


I have probably found this quote below the single most insightful thing so far. It helps me to understand the answers to some of the questions I've asked:

"Do you respond to Negativity with more Negativity? Has fighting fire with fire ever worked for you? Or do you choose to see the Negativity as the tool that it is, and recognize that it is offering you an opportunity? I will honour your Free Will to think and discover for yourself what that opportunity is."

>>I am glad. It is the probably the singlemost important thing that I have shared.

Unfortunately, its connotations also alleviate the 'NWO' of most accusations.

>>That depends upon your perspective. Does it alleviate the Negativity we have perpetuated? No. Does it alleviate the pain and suffering we have caused, and are causing upon the planet? No.
Does it alleviate that we are closing our End Game scenario, and soon to openly come out and offer publically to "save" the failing political and financial institutions with our esteemed Leadership? No.
Does that mean that you should give into and feed the Negativity? No.
Does it alleviate that we will have to spend a Cycle in Karmic restitution, to balance this lifetime of overt Negativity? No.

Does it mean that you should use the Negativity as the tool that it is, to show you that which you are not? Yes.

Remember, always, that this is a beautiful Game that we are playing here and co-creating together, with our Infinite Creator. And that "off stage" (between lives) we are the very best of friends, and that no one really "dies" and no one really "suffers", except in the Game. The Game is not Reality. Reality is Reality, and you have the Power to Express your Reality within the Game, once you have learnt how to do so.

This one resonates also:

An extremely basic concept but one I'd so far managed to overlook. Unfortunately, for those of us who love our Earthly existence (or rather, the potential it has), it's rather difficult to come to terms with a concept whereby suffering and slavery are as natural as love and happiness and that only after this Earthly existence can we ever be free.

>>I understand. Our job is to provide the Catalyst. Your's is to use it. Can you look beyond what your eyes are showing you, to find and express Love and Happiness in a world of Fear and Distress? If you can, you will be as a Beacon of Light into the Darkness. Will you succumb to the Darkness, or will you stand and shine your Divine Inner Light? Only you can make that decision for yourself.

Think about this: If the One Infinite Creator, is Infinite, and has created everything that Is (which It is, and It has), then does the Infinite Creator not reside within all things?

When you can see the Divine spark of the Infinite Creator, even within those who would mean you harm, the strong grip of the illusion will begin to lose it's power over you.

"Love your 'enemies', and pray for those who persecute you".

It's also interesting that he uses "It" rather than "He" or "She" for the Infinite Creator, thus depersonalizing It and making the point that It isn't a person.

Oops, gotta go, back later...
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