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Old 10-14-2008, 09:25 PM   #56
Kelle Baley
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: The upper left chamber of the heart of Earth-Colorado
Posts: 69
Default Re: Welcome to Future Talk

October 14th, 2008 at 12:00 pm
I posted a blog to the 'Whales in space' archive again of my experience with these particular Beings whom I channel along side Blossom Goodchild.

Today is October 14th. With no appearance of ships in sight as yet, I ask now the question most of us are wondering in unity: - Are they coming to appear in our skies?

The answer from within comes in a form of a "resounding YES!" that is indicated by what follows to instruct us to "know this" -At the surface of every decision that regards our entire collective, a deeper undercurrent of revelation comes to mind -Many yet need to choose to ask for help. After reading David Wilcox’ statement written last night about this outcome, I see why I am in agreement.

He clarifies the reasoning behind his position, stating: "It would be such a tragedy. Such a mass visitation, at this stage in our planetary game, would be an absolute tragedy — an irreversibly vast insult to the free will of the overwhelming majority of people on Earth who would see it as a horrific and terrifying event, based on their Hollywood movie conditioning. It would also be a disaster for the person who brought the prophecy through, on several different levels, with many unintended consequences."

I agree that at this point of our unfolding scenarios that are explosively crossed, too many would only be confused rather that elated overall. I do, however, hold feelings of truth that we have more than reached critical mass for such a needed world anomaly yet it could not promise enough acceptance for the purpose that seems intended. We then are called to a better focus for a variety of clear reasons. The various themes of financial collapse and those nefarious sources yet hidden and without exposure is an opportunity for more than simply waiting for their assistance. Here is why.

I must continue to encourage each of us to continue our walk toward sovereignty regained by living the resolve and continuing to pay attention in positive dependable and anger free focus upon the truth that yet leaks out to the expose deceit at its root. Forgiveness of all is a requirement as we are all of us the creators of such in one way or another. Remember that we are all on record as the body of voters that count above all at the Causal level for this is our own journey to claim. It is clear we must order up more exposure to support the lifting of this e-veil needing more holes to loosen the attachments to outcome itself. Perhaps we are holding this too tightly where flexibility and trust factor real world solutions.

Know that this vote as it were helps all the more easy the surface of what must. If not, we are all of us going to discover a suffrage to yet understand individuated roles to play; wisdom comes when roles fall into place as you can see with Bill and Kerry.

Our now global society is virtually on the same bus driving toward the same potential; let us be mindful of this. We must face where we are together at the point of a WAY of peace in order to keep our spirits unified within no matter how this falls down around us to raise new potentials for all of humanity that is both here and incoming.

The very outcome of this, our DNA, is perhaps the core of what is at stake. A revision toward the negative is the fate that would at the core cost those, our future children, dire means from which to survive. This is importantly surfacing as we still have much to learn to consider our stewardship to be released from the accountability of its demise.

The final message I felt today was this: "We must realize that several of these scenarios of rise and fall, ebb and flow are an employment for a realized process leading to UFO appearances. This event happening for all the world to see is an ultimate message for those not willing to consider surrender as a current stand in our collective. Know and eventually comprehend this message in its full capacity for intent".

"It is never easy to ground such particulars as a mass UFO sighting until enough internal choice has maximized its stay and falls then to its event potential". I for one, feel that this opportunity will find us in a state of less challenge to embrace as it were in the full intent from which it was delivered. What is yet to be validated is if in fact we must meet the requirement for more involvement in thought and deed -carrying love in the wake of opening eyes on every scene that exposes deceit.

-Peace is key even over love and acceptance as a changer toward evolving with minimal resisting factors that oppose its Collective wanting that change.

This, our inner peace, is the "beacon" of readiness; an inner technology to remember again. This IS in fact our best possible offensive in the current scenario. The means of this moving vehicle is what delivers us to the door of certain higher outcomes such as a global higher peace loving intelligence.

Nefarious WMD -weapons of mass distortion or deception is breaking apart at the seams both in action as organized and in view of our rising tide of awareness to halt its pathos.

Can you not see along with me that all these scenarios are being pursued with the intent to redefine our trust again or one another? This opens up more than a question of faith from the present higher sources enabling our sovereignty. It is more that we are left to question personal value we now need for such an anomaly which will shift into motion those missing elements from humanity that are now being viewed by billions ready for truth instead of more lies. It makes it impossible to escape this or miss this element the more events unfold. What is needed is for humanity to let go now of the fear impending threats of safety upon us all and stay tuned instead with this fully in heart and mind.

WE are being supported from within by this presence in this very moment and nothing can counterfeit it with those of us whom are watching on the inner link of heart. Dissolution is the 'what' for now - the process of unfettering loose ends exposing the guts of control; 'How' is still unfolding. What did not yet happen as of this moment is simple math -the appearance of help coming equals the means to evolve our inner technology for higher focus on matters that produce this result. It begins with each and that means you. Find the entrainment of mental clarity within and all that is without will position its truth tomorrow behind the same.

WE are dissolving the boundaries that keep us stagnant and it is only a second more away to yet hold the jewel of this experience we all welcome, most of all me. Continuing the efforts that call on us to act responsibly and practically is a key indicator for en mass action against the already falling scenarios on both sides of this coin. We ARE this campaign of rise and fall.

Let us embrace it as our power of NOW already in motion; the waves for resolve are what is beginning the ‘how we will be reaching back into the epicenter of unified need. Revelation to Revolution is where the masses yet stand. Like looking for a resolve or a promise of the same; many have added explosives to the weapon of facts for personal gain without the care for how its target is reached.

Revolution as a outwardly peaceable structure, provides mass acceptance which on its own falters instead of fosters process by appointing accountability. This is not the way of love, it is a way of solvency. To foster the process, inner revolution of a peace rendering mind is what we need discover. It is coming and quickly to the masses of you that open in the ways of your origins. THis is the new theme.

The risk of capturing conscious inner revelations has one cost -engaging the unknown variable until you have learned to trust the process of co-creation. More on this later. For now, let us rise with no effort. The first of those awakening that are also the self appointed deserving and prepared ground crew are whom is absorbing this anomaly of their visit beginning today.

This is our Revolution of this, our collective Mind -it begins.

Blessings to Blossom and to all those supporting her reports that are clearly on target for the truth yet unfolding. To me, she is a beacon of truth and holder of hope along with many feeling the listening to our brothers and sisters of the higher dimensions. We are at the threshold of an amazing revolutionary step into our Golden Age that we were fully prepared for in the beginning, let us embrace our origins of truth.

Peace to those with listening ears and those on the way


Peace inside the structure of mankind….I wonder how peace is at the foundations its structure?

More to come; stay tuned.
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