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Old 02-23-2010, 09:15 AM   #321
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 60
Default Re: Dr. Steven Greer, Disinfo Agent? Details Please!

Good Point, JP. I think I remember that moment when Greer wasn't following. when the STS vs STO subject came up., and thought it was a shame too that he didn't understand.
And I think your analysis of the basic cause for the rift is correct. It would be WONDERFUL if they could all sit down and come to an understanding. Because exactly like Jaby, I also felt (quote) “The Kerry and Bill v Greer episode was a real head-banger. Very disturbing. I was like...nooooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!”

Of course, there were more layers to what was going on underneath that. The last vestiges of the 3D patterning is falling away from us slowly, but old stuff like professional competition, tension between the genders, and so on still rises up sometimes and shows it's ugly head. If it hadn't been for the original misunderstanding, beginning with Greer's remark about PC disseminating disinformation, perhaps those old behavior patterns would not have kicked in, BUT there was something there that really needed to be brought out...

At least, that is what I am noticing going on in my own little world—the changes are really being felt, but the old programs are not really gone yet, and people aren't quite sure what to replace them with yet either. The love and lighters may have an advantage in that regard—they've been practicing the new patterning, however superficially—for example, I didn't see David Wilcock losing his poise at any time during the video portions of the conferences I saw last year on the Net. But I think Kerry and Bill were a bit intimidated by Greer's stature in the Disclosure Movement and so they thought they were going to have to gang up to get anything real out of him. With Greer being so beefed up now, they might have felt physically intimidated too! Greer definitely has a lot of protective energy around himself. Lots of soft underbelly exposed there, for all concerned, including the Movement itself...

I think the headbanging episode set the Disclosure Movement quietly reeling for a while, and though the shock waves have been pretty well contained, I still feel there is a fissure that is causing problems and needs attention. And it really has highlighted some very important questions such as: How much of the negative agenda that is still playing out on the planet is the result of negative aliens who are still around (if any), and how much is just the result of human puppets who don't yet realize that their puppetmasters have abandoned the stage? Or that their attempts at continuing to shape the planet's history are evidently slated for failure?

Another question that occurs to me has to do with the Zeta Reticulans. Their agenda for revitalizing their own race using us in the process, etc is surely not purely STO, though I think they have suffered from guilt by association with the Grays somewhat.. The Zetas have been eager to contact us for various reasons, but I have got the impression that they are a bit nervous not only about the negative ET s who are (or were) here (perhaps because they have had some part in the negative agenda themselves in the past or are afraid of the STS themselves) , but are also nervous about the higher dimension positive ET s who are here, and to whom the Zetas partly self-serving agenda must be very transparent. I wonder how aware of the STO ET s the Zetas are, and/or if the Zetas try to ignore them and/or even distract us from those STO presences, and would like us not to know about or pay too much attention to them, lest they loose influence over us. And I wonder how much of the ET contact Dr. Greer has is with the Zetas, and if that might have anything to do with his apparent lack of awareness about many things that are going on and have gone on in the past.

I was reading Dr. Boylan's blogs for awhile and finally stopped because I had such a strong feeling he was being controlled by Zetas and could not see the big picture because of that. Everything he reported was very limited and seemed to come from Zeta sources, and he never seemed to be aware of any other ET presences.

While I don't think that Greer is being controlled like Boylan seems to be, I wonder how much he might be influenced by the Zetas. It seems very odd to me that such a knowledgeable man as he is who has been on the Disclosure scene for so long seems to be unaware in large part of what other whistleblowers and others in the field like Wilcock are saying and doing. I get the feeling that if he would just open himself up more to the Disclosure Community, his work would proceed much more successfully, he would get more assistance, and would have much more of value to offer. That's one reason why I was so looking forward, as I'm sure others were, to that PC interview, and was
so disappointed at how it backfired. It would be great if the Orion Project really got off the ground, but so far, he doesn't seem to be getting much financial support for it.

This may seem off the subject, but it brings to mind something I realized after reading some of Marijah Gimbutas's work about ancient matriarchal cultures that she concluded had been peaceful because the basic goal depicted in their art, characterized in their tools, etc. was the preservation and nurturing of Life and worship of the Mother.. There were no weapons found or depictions of battles or wars, and she concluded that for centuries, there really were no wars in those cultures, though of course, she was ostracized and reviled for that by her colleagues in the mainstream!

Then after reading The Chalice and the Blade by Riane Eisler, I realized that part of the reason that we continue to have wars is that we have been conditioned to believe that it is unavoidably in our human nature to be warlike. This is one very big reason why it is so important that we really know our actual history. While we cannot pretend that we haven't engaged in warfare, we have to acknowledge and understand that though our original (possibly) peaceful nature was evidently tampered with, the connection with Divinity is still within us, in our very DNA, though masked by the negative programming. ( This IS a whole different subject—but from what I've read, it seems to me that the Annunaki DNA cloned into the human race made us more warlike, while the DNA the Pleiadians, Andromedens, Arcturans, etc. also seeded the planet with has ameliorated the negative effect to some extent and is timed to actually correct it in the future, as will the Shift itself.)

Dr. Greer apparently believes that we are no longer under any threat from negative ET s, though he acknowledges that negative programming from centuries of Illuminati rule and ignorance of our brotherhood with the higher dimensions is still endangering us from within. But does he believe that the Illuminati were programmed by negative ET s in the past, or does he just think that humankind is inherently self- destructive but is evolving beyond that now?

There is that basic urge of the human ego to always want to blame another for whatever has gone wrong, and that may be partly why we WANT to believe that STS ET s have been to blame for many of our woes on planet Earth. (Perhaps Greer wants to downplay negative interference because he thinks we have to take responsibility for all we've done.) But the Ra teachings really do make so much believable sense and the stricture for allowing free will, even if it means that entities may interfere with others' free will, seems to be the reality in this Universe, and there certainly seems to be plenty of evidence that ET s have been here and have participated in wars and exploitation of humankind.

(Then there is Alex Collier's theory that the Reptilians actually came from outside our Universe and do not belong here at all, which makes us sort of uber-victims! And one of my favorite channellers, Suzy Ward, says that the negative agenda was not meant to play itself out to the extent that it has, and that we are now experiencing a kind of Divine Intervention via higher dimensional beings to set things right and put us back on course. All of which I find to be very interesting, but very hard to prove, of course.)

But if Greer just thinks that the negative ET s were here but for the most part are no longer here, and are no longer much of a threat, then I think he's on the right track. And I also agree that it is more important now to align with the positive ET s and not focus so much on the negative agenda. But if he is just trying to protect the public from knowing our true history, or hasn't actually studied what others have brought to light about our true history, then I think he is either deceived, naïve and /or short sighted, which is dangerous because the truth HAS to come out as a necessary step towards righting what has gone wrong. Denial and cover up is what we want to STOP!! BUT the focus and the way we do that has to be balanced and done in a positive way.

In any case, I really do hope that there will be some dialog between Greer and PC and a reconciliation, so all could be working more in harmony, reaching more unity, understanding of the issues, and a more integrated approach to Disclosure or whatever it is that we can do to further mutual goals. I definitely agree that Kerry and Bill are sincere and good people and working very hard, and I would like to see their job made easier. Then the Greer "scandal" was a strange development, and I am hoping that that really was disinfo and that Bill will be able to backtrack to his sources of that disinfo and uncover the truth, and help to rectify spreading that rumor. That could be part of a reconciliation between PC and Greer. ( It might also help to bring Kerry and Bill in more agreement, because she has expressed displeasure with Bill criticizing whistleblowers, and Greer is definitely a whistleblower.)

I'm really glad this discussion has continued. I hope someone has some ideas about how to bring it to Bill and Kerry's attention (and possibly Greer's), for the purpose of healing and peace-making.. I'm still new to this forum and not sure how to go about that, but I think it would be good if they know that some of the forum members would like to see this issue resolved and healed. I'm sure we are representative of a much larger group in the community at large, as well.

Things are moving so rapidly now and as one of the other forum members pointed out, it's tempting to just jump ahead to the next big revelation, the latest breaking story, etc, but it would probably be very useful to do some completion and tidying up behind us as we go. Otherwise, there are too many unknowns, too much unresolved conflict, and it feels like the whole structure is in danger of crumbling around us.

On the other hand, the channeled message that I posted on this thread earlier, which advises us not to worry about healing the darkness we see about us, or focus on others' blind spots, but just to tend to our own Light-- makes a lot of sense. Maybe I (we) am/are just processing here for my/our own benefit and can really, finally let go of this now.

But it really has been an interesting discussion! Thanks to all who have participated!


Last edited by onawah; 02-23-2010 at 09:59 AM.
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