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Old 12-26-2008, 10:15 PM   #113
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Pacific Northwest Ground Crew

Originally Posted by orthodoxymoron View Post
I figure that my best chances for making good decisions about the safety me and my family and now all of us in our Ground Crew is to do my best to try to separate the speculation and fear-mongering from the truth and reality. I try to cross-check what I read on alternative webpages to make sure what I am reading makes sense to me…. What is great about our newly formed e-group is that if I do come across something that distresses me (economically, politically, or naturally) I can post it here for comment!

What do you make of the maps (Hopi Indian and others) which show vast portions of land masses covered with water or eliminated? This would really suck! What about the Nibiru/2012 stuff? I've bitten my nails down...and now I'm starting on my fingers. It's sort of like Steven King's horror/fantasy of a guy who eats himself! [/QUOTE]

Information on how we as a human kind can "change" what "could become" of earth has been flowing by all of us.
Greg Braden, Lynne M Taggart and others all tell use how each one of those here can change the "what could" happen.. Events public or not all can have an effect on the land mass. I know that when I first heard of this earth change I just thought oh, I'm good. Now years later and so many "more people all saying the same infroamtion" I can still say " I'm good as in the area where I have my house is in a good spot but to be honest I can look back on the earth as in long ago and where I am was at one time the bottom of the ocean. So did a person float over that one time long ago and "fear" that day it was going to be dry land?....

Here is a whole other idea of the What is to come. Take note at the end it was to be told to all in 1969 just what was going on..

There are also some great Doc. on the page as well as the interview..

We all have a lot to do in each of our life's .. May you and yours all be safe, happy and always remember..... Life is a Gift.
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