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Old 10-23-2008, 03:34 AM   #50
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Miracle Mineral Supplement.

Originally Posted by sprocket View Post
@peaceandlove - thanks, I appreciate your comprehensive post. Yes, I still have the product and although I only went as high as 6 drops/day, I never suffered nausea etc. so no issues there.

Congratulations on your excellent diet. That is one our best defenses to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Have you decided to increase the drops beyond 6?

For example:
Morning 6 drops of MMS to 30 drops of activator (citric acid)
Evening 7 drops of MMS to 35 drops of activator (citric acid)
Following day:
Morning 8 drops of MMS to 40 drops of activator (citric acid)
Evening 9 drops of MMS to 45 drops of activator (citric acid)
Continue increasing daily until you reach 15 drops twice and day for two weeks without nausea. Then increase to 15 drops 3 times a day for a week. (This last step, 3 times a day, may not be necessary for people under 150 pounds.)

Anytime you feel nausea, reduce drops again for a while and try again another day to increase. I think you might have read the rest of Step 3. Just want to make sure the instructions were clear.

As a note: Remember you need at least as much citric acid as MMS. Instead of counting out drops of citric acid you can use this ratio:

1 - 6 drops of MMS to 1/4 teaspoon citric acid solution
7 - 15 drops of MMS to 1/2 teaspoon citric acid solution

When counting drops, you may want to use identical dispensers, as drops can vary in size depending on the dropper. This will insure you are using enough citric acid to activate the MMS.

After adding the two products in a clean dry glass, swirl the glass and wait a minimum of 3 minutes before adding water or juice or 50/50 mix.

MMS oxygenates and alkalizes the body and has not been found to destroy the friendly bacteria. It is very difficult for diseases to exist in a well oxygenated and pH balanced environment.

If you reach a plateau, don't be discouraged, it's much more comfortable to detox slowly unless you have an emergency health situation.

It may take some people months to cleanse the body of toxins. Consistent use of course is required. Measure how you feel, if you are feeling too tired, cut back and build up slowly. Allow yourself to rest when needed.

All detoxing programs generally require the body to work overtime and discomfort will arise.

REMEMBER: Whether detoxing or not, water is the 'elixir' of life. The most recent information indicates the ratio for water consumption is 1/2 ounce per 1 pound of body weight. If you weigh 100 pounds, the suggested amount of water to consume is 50 ounces per day.

If you are detoxing it is IMPERATIVE to consume plenty of water in order to help dilute the toxins and flush them out of the body. You can enjoy less bodily pains if you keep yourself hydrated.

When the body is on toxic overload it will retain water in order to dilute the toxins. Many people will realize a weight loss as that water is excreted when the load lessens.

Last but not least, BLESS Your Water. You can create a healing frequency as simply as that.

This website, I saw posted on the forum contains Gregorian Chants for healing. They are very soothing. You could also expose your water to the sounds to imprint it with healing properties.

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Last edited by peaceandlove; 11-25-2008 at 08:06 AM.
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