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Old 10-10-2008, 01:36 PM   #63
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Location: On a boat in Tacoma, wa, usa
Posts: 394
Default Re: Calm Down, And Read It.

Basic Information Before Leaving Earth.

I quote from here,
The first book published on a printing press was the Bible. Since then it has continued as the most
published book in the world. The average family in the USA has more than one copy of the Bible
at home.

How is it possible that what some call a cult book of myths, could become such a popular book?
Tell us your thoughts!

What Are You Reading Old Man?

A century ago, an old man was traveling alone in France by train. A much younger man, who was
sitting next to him watched as the older man reached into his traveling case, took out a Bible and
began to read. After a while, the younger man decided to strike up a conversation. "What are you
reading?" he asked. "I am reading from the 6th chapter of Mark in the New Testament." "What
does it say?" the young man asked. "It is the story of the miracle of the loaves and fishes. This
gospel writer tells us about a vast crowd that had followed Jesus because of the signs He was
performing for the sick. Jesus then preached to the crowd until it was dark and they were hungry.
With only five barley loaves and a couple of dried fishes, Jesus fed the entire crowd of five
thousand people. And when the people had finished eating, the leftovers filled twelve baskets."

A little scornful the young man asked, "Do you really believe that?" "Yes, I do" came the reply, to
which the younger man answered, "I can see that you have been brainwashed by ancient
superstitions. That could never have happened to me. You see, I am a scientist. Everything that
happens in this world can ultimately be accounted for scientifically. The story you have read defies
the laws of science and therefore is sheer fantasy. Give me facts, provable facts. As a man of
science, I can have no faith in miracles. But I cannot expect you to understand that."

At this point, the train began to slow down. "Here is my station," said the young man as he rose
from his seat. "It was nice talking to you Mr., I'm sorry I didn't get your name." Whereupon, the
old man handed him his calling card bearing the name, Louis Pasteur, one of the world's greatest
One of the coolest aspects of knowing about the bad ETs here amongst us and on the forum is
how to identify them. I ask you all to calm down and just read what the bible says. No codes, no
secret passages, no mysteries, just read the book. If you cant understand what it says, I mean
after all you are reading it in your language, right?

Norval L. Cunningham
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