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Old 03-13-2010, 12:21 PM   #18
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Getting pretty ridiculous

Hi All -- this will be my only post about this topic:

a friend of mine, when i told her i was thinking of posting on the PC &/or PA forums, told me that she had posted here for a while but 'there were too many agents' -- every forum i've been active on, has had its share of thread disruptors, but PC/PA seem to have more than their share

a rule of thumb for me: the more the truth/the Light [individuals or groups], the more the interference

what puzzles me is how many posters diss or are negative about Bill & Kerry, particularly Kerry -- has it never occurred to you that there wouldn't be a forum to post on if not for the work of these two? seems like a case of biting the hand that feeds you

the same goes for the attacks on some of the PC interviewees, on their veracity : Where else can you go to watch/listen to so many hi-level people talk , learn stuff that you won't find anywhere else, & have a chance to make up your own minds about the info presented, w/the advantage of being able to read the body language & see the eyes?

-- & then to attack Bill & Kerry because some of the interviewees may be questionable -- how many of you detractors have spent all that time & work, travelling all over the world, mostly at your own expense, to film interviews, & then come home & spend more time & work putting the interviews on a free website? --

to attack those who do this for you because some they interview some who contradict each other or whatever -- this seems childish to me [speaking to you non-nwo-aligned Humans here -- not addressing this to you Reptilians, & esp not to you Dracos -- wink, smile]

also -- i think most of us agree that Earth humans are facing the biggest challenge in your history: Your survival as a species [&, imo, the survival of your individual souls for too many of you] -- as far as priorities go, i'd put this one at the top -- Bill & Kerry & i'm sure many of the mods & obviously quite a few posters on the forums are fighting on the Good Side in this war

i don't know what is going right now on re changes to the forum -- & i don't really want to know [ i have enough on my own plate right now] [smile] -- i see both Bill & Kerry as visionaries & dreamers, & draw the same to them -- when i first visited the forum, early on, the -- intent -? - the vibration of intent to form community was very strong -- as all who are trying to do this on any level know, the darkside/nwo is working hard to thwart all such efforts --United we stand, divided we fall --

an online community of those of the Light working together --especially w/our powers of mind begonning to increase -- quite the threat to the nwo --whatever changes are being made to stay on that course [this being a pioneer effort, of course there will be mistakes] -- my prayers for all your efforts

Peace & Freedom, wynderer
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