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Old 01-27-2010, 09:42 PM   #10
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Could Geithner Face Criminal Charges over AIG Coverup?

Originally Posted by peaceandlove View Post
Blessings skjted,

I understand your cynicism and I've been there before, although now I choose to believe the people who are waking up can make a difference and knowing what cr4p is happening gives those, who choose, the opportunity to focus on a real recovery and overcoming those that believe they are in control. I agree with Seashore's thought!
I have hope too and am looking forward to a positive solution, but perhaps not in the way you may think. One thing I see is that many people will focus on one aspect of the current system such as Geithner or Bernake and think that it can be reformed. The problem is the Federal Reserve system and fiat currency. So long as congress has a credit card with no limit and us taxpayers to foot the bill, they will keep spending our money and propagating the belief that they really can save us from ourselves or Al Qaeda or the financial collapse or whatever it is that we need saving from.

When you look at the bigger picture outside of the US, our little game here doesn't really matter any more. Our biggest export is derivatives. We don't provide any major export of value any more.

The rest of the countries are catching on and deleveraging from their dollar position, which is forcing the dollar to be dumped as the dollar reserve currency.

No matter how you look at it, with the excessive debt we have and the decoupling of the dollar from future investment, we are having a currency collapse. Look at where Iceland is right now. They are where we will be in 2-3 years.

The system must collapse because it won't be able to stand under its own weight any more. When, where, and how I don't know. But, I do know that every single facet of it is 100% unsustainable and merely pointing the finger at some figure like Geithner may look good for the press, but will do nothing to reform the system.

When it fails, if there are enough people who are awakened, it will be replaced by a better, more equitable system. This is where my focus is going.

If you'd like to see the play-by-play, take a look at These people are industry insiders and they know what is going on. On this forum, you will see what everyone in international finance is thinking privately, but will never say publicly.

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