Thread: John Lear
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Old 09-15-2008, 07:31 PM   #235
milk and honey
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: John Lear

What about inner space John?

If there are hyperdimensional beings that can enter and exit the gross material plane then why can't the soul enter more subtle dimensions for further experience after 'death'? Or even before?

If those beings can travel through extra- physical dimensions in their subtle bodies why can't we? The subtle bodies are containers too. eg, the astral and etheric bodies. Do the subtle bodies die with the physical body? No.

Could they contain the soul in higher dimensions for higher experience in a similar way as the physical body does for physical experience? Of course they can. Some incarnate souls can leave the body before death and travel through the higher planes as easily as diving into a pool of water.

I like to think of the soul as a being which is contained in matter yet is a connected portion of the spiritual-Self in spirit. "As above so below". When you speak of such a limited process of reincarnation maybe you are referring to soulless incarnate entities who's only option at physical death is immediate transmigration into a new body? I Can't speak for you so i don't know your view on whether soulless automatons exist. John?

In the body, the light energy of the soul is most concentrated in the blood, true. But there is far more to the soul than what is contained in the blood. That's like saying the sun is contained in the Earth merely because the sun's light rays reach the earth and are contained in plants and animals through photo-synthesis and plant consumption. This is a fair analogy too because physical beings consume plants and flesh and blood for the simple reason that we must be physically sustained by energy from these secondary sources. The energy locked within these sources is taken for sustenance by physical beings who have not perfected the soul so as to draw sustenance directly from the spirit within -- the sun center of our spiritual- Self -- which is the source of all energy and form.

Does anyone still wonder why the dark ones find us so attractive? They're cut off from the source and need a continual fix from those who are still connected to source, however tenuously.

John... "What is divinity and spirit"? You asked that question like you consider them phantoms.

As far as words can tell...

Divinity is the spiritual- Self of each person whose origin is on the spiritual plane beyond the physical. A portion of the spiritual- Self --the soul -- is connected to that Self (by the crystal chord) yet has plunged into a lower body in which it is now 'contained'. Spirit is the shore, the body is the boat and the soul is the captain. The weather is all energy ever drawn from inner spirit by the incarnate soul and which is now returning to it in the same quality and measure with which it was ever expressed. One day calm and sunny, another a hurricane.

Spirit is the origin of every manifest form including our gross physical body and subtle soul. It is the essence of every thing. Spirit is a very high frequency intelligent energy which originates in the spiritual- Self and because the soul is deeply connected to it, it is accessible even at the 3d level right within our own hearts. It's called love, yet love is not behavior and sweet words per se. Anyone can pretend those. It is an energy which can descend from the divine- Self into the soul and infuse our outer words and behavior. Spiritual energy enters 3d through the doors of the chakras. Without the flow of love from the inner source, there can be no positive personal change because there is no positive energy to achieve it. Only the spiritual energy within us can dissolve hate, greed, envy and deceit.

When we access this inner light it can literally shine like the sun and dissolve all the corruptions of our own psyche as it moves through the emotional depths of our own being. The "divine motor" can fill the soul (and yes the blood) with more light energy and motivate loving service to others. It is the elixer of eternal life. It catalyses self-transformation and growth (soul maturity) because it raises the vibration of all that it contacts. Starting with ourselves.

That's why talking to spirit and giving mantras and songs can be uplifting. It primes the inner pump at the source of all life.
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