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Old 02-10-2010, 12:58 AM   #9
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 117
Default Re: looks like teapartys are now officially dead.

Palin and Beck are both Israeli shrills.

The Tea parties were a distraction. A convenient way of directing attraction away from the Goldstone report.

The NWO is also a Israeli shrill campaign. NWO was coined decades ago and referred to the USA being the sole superpower of the "free world." This was all in regards to oil.

One reason why Israel became our unofficial 51 state is because they served as beach head for the middle east. This was the same purpose Hitler had in mind in the 30's when he started to send the founding families and settlers to Palestine. This is and always has been a war for oil.

I have reason to doubt the official holocaust story. Only 1% of claims can be verified. A host of "survivors" have turned out never to have ever been in Germany at the time and the red cross cannot verify the holocaust and they had access to many camps prior to the fall of the Nazi regime. I do believe the images of starving people in camps were real...but the starvation was the result of allied bombing thus causing no supplies to shipped into the camps. The shaved heads were to fight lice. The clothing confiscation was to fight typhus. The gas canisters were for the same purpose. Forensics prove that some so called gas chambers were indeed air raid shelters like the Germans had claimed.

Back to modern day...Israel has their state now. The middle east had not been fighting for centuries either but rather for the last 100 years when the theory of Zionism came into play with the Jewish.

The middle east supplies 70% of the world's oil. Whoever controls those pipelines controls the world. Though Israel is trying to claim "holy-land" the USA is trying to claim oil pipelines.

Since oil companies, banks and Israel all have a vested interest in the middle east they came together to form an alliance. These fractions are run by Zionist friendly CO's.

It makes more sense to claim the Illuminati or NWO is some secret group of powerful men are controlling the country through banks and such than to admit the Zionist the real reason and divert attention from what is now a Nazi state that the USA alone supports.

our government is controlled by a foreign government. Out of mutual interest in the middle east our people have allowed this to happen. matter of fact some people are so brainwashed they would rather see Israel actually appoint leaders here...not knowing they already do.

As the truth in the middle east is revealed and the truth about Gaza and west bank come out the blame is diverted to some mysterious group of men and women who know one ever sees as the boogie man.

Reality is simple. The USA is compromised by another country. this country runs our media, out government our domestic and foreign policy. It also has control in our economy. The NWO will emerge as total Zionism.

this will eventually back fire though for people are getting pictures and truth about the holocaust of the Palestine people and rape of their lands for oil. The 911 connection to Israel is also gonna be an elephant they cannot ignore much longer.

if Bush was pressured enough, if he was about to go down, I'm sure the Israeli government will go with him.

Then maybe the people of Israel and Palestine can finally live together in peace. And the USA can stop being an empire.
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