Thread: New Zealand
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Old 12-06-2008, 02:10 PM   #35
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Default Re: New Zealand Interesting Info/help for-ground crew.

Hi all, I feel I should post thse facts for groundcrew intending to move to the lower South Island: My American History lecturer told me that after the US Civil war in the 1860s, some Southern families moved to the bottom of the South Island of NZ (hence little NZ towns called "Gore" & "Clinton"). If you travel down there, the people talk with a quasi-American accent.
If ground crew move there - beware - you cannot life on a diet of rabbits. The area has 1000s if rabbits, so rabbit meat is plentiful. But it lacks vitamins and minerals needed for humans to live, so you can eat all rabbits you want & still die (the food codex people will be in ecstacy to hear this). Also, there is GIARDIA & other parasites in all streams. Apparently brought in by tourist's water bottles (But probably introduced on purpose to poison the water) so boil all drinking water. Finally, you cannot drink snow it will make you sick. It must b boiled first. Not to mention the cold winters, it snows most days & winter is opposite to the Northern Hemisphere. NZ winter is around June to August!!
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