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Old 09-08-2008, 12:43 AM   #40
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Benjamin Fulford

Reguarding the Population decreass I think nature's been personaly on the assult for awhile.

Allready People are naturealy haveing less kids then what our grandparents were breeding at the rate of rabbits, Then there is a hell of alot more People whom simplely can not have kids be it the male sperms is bad or the females eggs, then natural disaster's and more sickness/diesea's world wide, and the well to save arguement's I wont claime there is more now then 10-20 year's ago but the mass increas of homosexuals has played a small role in it due to the natureal aspect of You need both Sex's to reproduce (No im not saying gays dont have a right to children just technicaly nature doesn't alloued them to breed with there prevered sex)

All in all We dont want people to simplely "Die" but We realy do need a decreass and so I'm just going to wait it out for the next few years and see if nature want's Me here or not.

Main thing I am worried about though is the state of the othere spiece's =/ if WW3 does happen or some desaster on a world scale I hope some factions out there has allready made plans to make sure We don't make the truely innocent suffer greatly by makeing them exstinked.

I don't buy into the whole "Animals don't have soul's" My experience with so many different spieces and indervidal personalitys has taught Me otherewise, I wounder if they to will experience some form of Spiritual Awakening?
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