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Old 03-24-2010, 10:32 PM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The “Truth” Is Worse Than Feared - New US Health Care Bill


It is forcing parents with children under 26 years old living at home to have health care and making it illegal for them not to be covered.

With the addition of that much of the population paying into the health care system it lowers the cost for everyone to be covered.

In most countries that have universal systems it is a part of working, you pay taxes and health care, everyone contributes and everyone is covered.

With insurance companies now being forced to keep the costs down they aren't going to agree to paying $100 for a box of Kleenex. They will in turn go after the Health care professionals to keep cost in line.

Overall, it will lower the cost of health care in America.

Now the special interest groups being paid for by Health care and Insurance companies don't want their freedom to charge $12,000 to cure a cold to be regulated.

The 30-40 Million that weren't covered by insurance will now be covered, emergency room visits which used to be the only "free" care will drop by 85% because now people will be able to go to a doctor for preventive care.

Once everyone gets beyond the initial shock that Republicans were pushed aside because in a Democracy majority rules, and they weren't in the majority things will calm back down.

But as long as we have TPTB pushing for points that will trigger people into revolting against the government they will keep pouring salt in the wound.

I wish everyone had the insights to see what I am trying to share with all of you, I can look at a scenario and see how it is affecting our time line. Like any good chess game, the only way to win against a Brilliant opponent is to always think one move in advance.

I am trying to help the enlightened ones reading into concentrating on the next move...

we've already changed several time lines since Avalon began, now it is time to do it again...
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