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Old 04-22-2009, 06:46 AM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 8
Default Re: Past Life Regression

It appears you have had quite an experience Henners, and you have some good knowledge in this area Visvasa144.

My experiences may be considered minor but I feel one of these has had some effect on how I look at it.

I was just past infancy when it happened and I believe it was 1910. I don't know why I believe that but those numbers have stuck with me since I was about 2 to 3 years old.

A woman's hands took the front burner off a wood stove in which flames came out from below.

Then I saw her place my body in the hole and stuff me down into the fire. I was conscious and my body jerked back and forth.

My consciousness faded until there was nothing and I would wake up every time in fear.

I had that dream almost every night for a very long time. Maybe a year from about 2 to about 3 years old.

How the year 1910 was part of this scenario, I have never known, but it was in some way a part of my dream.

This is the only past life experience that I know in my heart really took place and to this day I remember all the details.
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