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Old 01-05-2010, 03:09 PM   #44
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Community Project

Originally Posted by Neo View Post
I have often thought about this and have come to at least a semi conclusion...

There can be no rules and no system, people can choose to co-operate with others or not. The moment you make another rigid system that everyone must conform to then you create the new world order all over again.

People have thought they have had the best concept for human living time and time again, but any system that does not include everyone and every concept is doomed to fail. We need no more systems!!!!!!!
This is an interesting string. T-Y

If this is true then I'm free to be picky, plunder, rip, lie, cheat and cut corners, decieve, and manipulate. Oh My...

Maybe 'system' could be replaced with another word that more aptly describes community, no matter the size.... Golden rule neighbors thrive best next to neighboring golden rule neighbors.

My definition of a self sufficient community would include developing practical skills, sharing work and rewards.

What with all the truth out there and things to learn, there would be no idle time because everyone would be busy working together...

We are capable and ready to begin the work of community and all that this involves including how to get along and work with one another. Encouragement = Progress. Teamwork is knowing when to take control and when to yield.

It's conceivable. These ideals can permeate. It's happened before and it'll happen again successfully as priority dictates.

Education, developing skills, coaching, encouraging others with patience, promotes and maintains community focus and is a working model.

One of our choices is to remain where we are now and grow where we're planted, as they say. Ask the trees, they know.

Kind Regards,
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