Thread: C a n a d a
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Old 09-08-2008, 03:15 AM   #16
THE eXchanger
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2008
Location: Spiritual eXplorer-Canada
Posts: 4,915
Default Re: C a n a d a

i am Susan
aka The eXchanger

i am currently in Mississauga
(greater Toronto region)
i have been working on plans for a big centre
(northern ontario /or elsewhere-could be tempted
to consider other locals)

currently, i hope to gather groups
locally, perhaps,
do some PROJECT AVALON seminars

invite Bill/Kerry; and others in the group
who have things of value to teach
and, really blow the lid off
how it is, we teach all this knowledge to others
in an organised type of format
that is:

win-win for all involved -

of course...
project avalon is at the core
of all that we hope to do
(surrounding this particular idea)!!!

we need to gather, in order to re_GROUP

that's why we are here, in this NOW

i am a lot of different things
(ocatrine indigo elder - turned on my lightbody
in the early 80's)
some people say,
i am an ancient bridger
higher guidance, says, i am an eXchanger
(there's a lot of stuff, i've been working on)
and, i hope soon, to release a book
i've been writing since the age of 6
i am NOW almost 29, for the 22nd time
(soon to be 50)

i hope to get the foundation of my work,
into the hands of 4 year olds,
by writing a very interesting children's story
(ironically, little kids, get it)
and, then,
expand upon the ideas/and, magic/virtues
in ways, that older readers
will also have some "enchanting"
& "interesting" moments

Part of what i do, is teach people
how to really dream

i do a lot of work remotely,
and, have quite an arensol of techniques

it's time for us,
to learn to dream again !!!

there are some powers, that can NOT be removed
from your matrixes

it's also time for us; all to learn about
the real magic of camelot !!!

it's also time for us; to bring things
back to The Round Table

brightest blessings to all

i am susan
aka The eXchanger
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