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Old 12-27-2009, 06:50 AM   #54
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Anna Hayes: Earth history

I still struggle with this material at times. I have read both Voyagers books and I want to read Angelic Realities as well. I found them both to be fascinating reading and I did feel as though I came away with answers to a number of questions that I have been asking. I will say this though... It does seem to me that most of this material is based on fear. After reading both books, I don't feel like I received a very hopeful message for humanity, in the grand scheme of things. I realize that not everything ends with a happy ending in life, but after reading these books, I honestly think I am more fearful about my future than when I started them.

I don't fully understand the Ascension techniques that she is talking about and I got the impression that only a very select few people on this planet would be able to do the work necessary to achieve Ascension in the current Stellar Activation Cycle. Sort of like... only a lucky few that have this information and more importantly understand how to use it, will ascend and experience a better life than what you might be living here on Earth. Sorry but that is the impression that I got from this. It mostly just causes me more anxiety about the future. The other question that came to my mind after reading these books was that if all this information was indeed true and as important as she claims, why would the Guardian Alliance wait all the way up to the last minute (practically) to share this with us (through her). It just seems to me like information this important should have been made available to humanity a long time ago, especially if we are currently in a "fall" timeline as she claims in the updated info on her website. If all of this is true, then we are running out of time very quickly and I just don't see how that many people will even have the time to benefit from this material, should they show an interest in it.

While I haven't agreed for the most part with 14 Chakras comments on this material in the various threads, I think he/she (?) brought up a good point in this thread that I have to admit I considered at one time, perhaps even still. The idea that the ETs that gave her this information might also have their own agenda and what, if anything, might they gain by giving her information that they know is false. It's just something that has been running through my head for a little while and the point that 14 Chakras made just caught my eye is all.

Overall, I am still quite fearful about my future and this material didn't help me to overcome those fears in any way. If anything, it intensified them. I just wonder if we (humanity) will ever know the complete truth about all these topics when we are here on 3D Earth? I mean really understand these things as truths without the slightest possibility of disinfo. Or, will we have to die before we will get the entire "big" picture, so to speak?
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