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Old 12-22-2009, 10:02 AM   #3
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Project Camelot and the Conspiracy world.

Good to see you back Clarke

Thanks for this
Now here's my thoughts on this huge huge topic of conspiracy and the things it mixes with such as metaphysics /spirituality/ religion /politics and general science.

all i can say for certain after many hours of video and many sites visited and pdfs downloaded is

-aliens are real and the gov has known about it for a while
-the illuminatti / masons are a real (and are running plenty)
-paranormal phenomena is real and has been ignored by the science the public sees
-our species origins are clouded in mystery but we clearly originated off planet
-reincarnation is real and there is a mountain of evidence for it

in general that's it.
this field is so clouded with disinfo and ignorance that its hard to acertain anything." Quote from Clarke Kent

I am in agreement with the essence of your opening article.

Spiritual war makes no sense to me. War is war.

The ego loves the drama of it all.

What can we trust?

We can trust the teachings of the spiritual geniuses.
Krishana Budda Jesus to name but three.
They put out a consistant message over thousands of years.

Wolves in sheeps clothing abound.
Just dont go there.

How do we know the wolves?

My best sugestion is to read the book "Power versus Force" by Dr David Hawkins recomended by the late St Mother Teresa"
In the book he out lines a method of knowing that which is suportive of life, that which is true, also a map of consciousness which is invaluable to those wishing to move forward.

Newage is just the lower astral spiritual circus, very attractive but down right dangerous, full of half truths.

Everything that we need to know at this time comes from the spiritual geniuses.
God is within us just waiting to be found.

I place my faith in The Creator which I call God.

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