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Old 11-05-2008, 06:10 AM   #140
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Default Re: Will you leave if the forum is a Paid Subscription?

Originally Posted by herbivore View Post
you claim this knowledge in this potential database would be in the class of 'priceless', yet a fee would be required to share the priceless information?
Why should I research for you if you are unwilling to give anything in return?

In a community garden there are shares. Shares may be
earned with labor or with cash. Is it my responsibility to
make sure that you eat when there is no food to be had
and you have done nothing to prepare? To an extent, yes. That is called charity. Are you looking for handouts? I can help. It is free for the taking if you know it exists and you know where to find it. It is priceless, and it will help feed your family in hard times.

There, now you can't say I never gave you anything.
Of course, it would be a good idea to support the author by buying a hard copy.

Is it my responsibility to show you how to grow the food
if you are unwilling to lift a finger on my behalf? In community I've got your back, we work together to our mutual benefit. In a welfare society you'd better work harder because they are all depending on you. The mods here are all volunteers. What have you brought them that will help feed their families if the system really does

In your own community/ground team group, how much
deadwood will you carry before you rebel and say enough?

The right information when I need it in a concise format
without wading through pages of unrelated and often trivial debate. That is priceless. I would pay money for it, big money. Indeed, I have in the past.

Last edited by Baggywrinkle; 11-05-2008 at 06:41 AM.
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