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Old 11-01-2008, 06:18 PM   #7
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 99
Default Re: 2 misconceptions

Originally Posted by arcora View Post
The inmate thinks about why he's in prison, what he's done in prison to show he's rehabilitated and approaches the judge with absolute humility and asks for mercy and kindness. He tells the judge that he's sorry, he's learned his lesson and he'll never do it again. Then, if the judge has reason to believe that prisoner is sincere and has truly changed his ways he may grant release.

There is a spiritual war happening right now - everywhere around you. It is a war for your soul. Those that want to keep you imprisoned will lie to you. They'll give you a lot of truth to establish their credibility with you. But then, they'll mix in a few insidious lies which they know you'll believe because they sound good, make you feel good and you have begun to trust your captors. Those little lies are devastating. Be careful what you believe because there aren't many parole hearings left to be had.

After many changes in my life the past few years (some changes I can't explain why they happened) this pretty much sums up what i've been feeling and thinking. like i'm preparing for judgement day.

Out of the blue 2 years ago I got a telescope and have been looking into the heavens ever since, seeing some of the most spectacular eye openeing things. other galaxies, nebuli star clusters and I've always thanked the creator for this incredible view.
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