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Old 01-23-2010, 08:02 AM   #3
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Lost Teachings of Atlantis

I own this book, have read about 1/3rd of it. I 'read' books a little differently than most; usually I let my higher self guide me to what information I need at that moment on my path.

For a long while, whenever I would raise my vibration, I would randomly open books, and what I would read would be incredibly synchronistic to what I was experiencing at the time, down to me having just experienced what I was reading even as I was reading it.

This book has brought the greatest revelations when used in that manner.
It is definitely the most important book I have read and ran across thus far on my path.

If one feels drawn to it, then I definitely recommend it. Its a lot to take in and for most it will be such a shock and jolt to the 'ego' or separate selfish-self that parts of it might rub you the wrong way so to speak, until you truly learn and face what 'ego' really is, or the illusion you have created that you think is really you.

It's from what perspective you identify yourself from, a body, or as many have said, consciousness having an experience in this body. It is one thing to imagine this and quite another to experience it, as in feel from that perspective, the piece of consciousness that is you in your body. Beginning to listen to your heart OVER your mind is where it starts. Feeling what your heart tells you when you ask a question, for it always answers.

The main lesson or teaching is that of unconditional love, and surrendering who you thought you were to it. Once you are a servant of unconditional love, the illusion of 'you' is dissolved, and your sole purpose for being in a lower vibratory state is to teach and serve those around you.

From the book:

"Universal Consciousness
"Please tell me more of the teachings on Universal Consciousness, enlightenment, and it’s attainment.”

“Universal Consciousness is attained when a person has a lasting experience in which they see through their illusion of separateness, and lose their separate self consciousness. Their consciousness then ‘merges’ with the Universe - thus they experience being One with the Universe. This is often the result of going through a conscious psychological ‘death experience’, brought on by meditation and other aspects of a spiritual path [Author’s note: these are explained in another chapter]. The illusion of separateness dissolves in the awareness of Oneness. And with the dissolution of the illusion of separateness, the separate self ‘seems’ to die, and a ‘rebirth’ occurs. Separate self consciousness is transcended and transformed. The dominant consciousness becomes that of the Inner Self, the part of us that is the Universal Spirit - thus, we have ‘Universal Consciousness’. When experienced properly, a person is never the same, and never ‘sees things’ the same way again. From then on, all things are understood in the light of the ‘biggest picture’, in the light of being One with the Universal Spirit (God). Selfishness thus becomes a thing of the past. This is also called achieving ‘enlightenment’, and a few other names.

The difference between having separate self consciousness, or having Universal Consciousness, is, as I said before, like night and day. Consider again, an environmentalist who has expanded his/her separate self consciousness to include concern for ecology. This is good. And if being aware of the flow and balance of Earth’s nature is good, imagine the significance of being really aware of the flow and balance, of all things - of the entire Universe? And if being concerned about all humans on Earth is good, what about being devoted to caring for all life within the entire Universe? A person who has attained Universal Consciousness, has transcended separate self consciousness, and thus sees infinitely more, understands infinitely more. Imagine being able to ‘see’ the outcome of many of your actions in advance - or whether or not you ‘see’ the outcome, being able to know if what you are doing is really going to ultimately help, or ultimately harm. Or using the classic car allegory again, imagine seeing one side of the car, and not assuming that the other side is the same? How would you like to be able to sense what all sides were like?”


"Too few have experienced the impact of being in the presence of a being who is fully Unselfishly Loving. But it is not by accident. It is because they have not been willing to experience it within themselves - they have not been willing to surrender to the Universal Spirit within them. When a person is willing to begin to change, to start to Unselfishly Love, then they will meet someone who Loves them Unselfishly. You will be meeting people like that all the time. People who are ready to change. People who have prayed or desperately hoped for some kind of answers or guidance for their lives. This you will bring without even trying, or doing anything.

Experiencing being Loved by a totally Unselfishly Loving being is a great blessing, and this can spark the flame of Unselfish Love within the “loved one” (if they are open to change and to begin giving themselves). Unselfish Love can spread this way. [Author’s note: Often, the first time one ever experiences being Unselfishly Loved, is from one’s personal true teacher. I’ll discuss this more in a later chapter.]

But know that there will be great pain. Because often those who you have completely opened up your great heart to, and made yourself vulnerable to through your Love, will hurt you. You already know though, that such is the price of being a loving servant of the Universal Spirit.

Then there are those who are spiritually hardened, or hiding from the light within, or even the brothers of the darkness. Depending on the severity of their opposition to the light, they will find your presence, your Unselfish Love, mildly disturbing, to extremely annoying, to a reason for rage, anger, hatred, and even violence and murder. You have seen it in the history of all our kin. Look what they did to the grand master, even though he planned it himself to spread the word of Unselfish Love and Oneness with God.”

-Love and Light-

Last edited by Firedrake; 01-23-2010 at 11:04 AM.
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