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Old 09-15-2008, 01:29 AM   #13
Edward Alexander
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 158
Default Re: Where to go: Polar ice melting (Map), Wars in the world, other possible catastrop

The above flood map was a worst case scenario where most or all of the polar ice had been melted. Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Minnesota, have created an application that shows sea level rising up to 200m which shows pretty much the same as the above posted map. You can download this application here:

On the website you have to go down below the image of the applicaton (map) and click the file below Attachements. Quicktime player is needed for the application to work, and to use it open the file after downloading and click on the map and drag the mouse up and down to increase or decrease sea level and right and left to spin the earh.

A quote from the website:
Two-thirds of the world's population lives within 500 km of a coastline. 90% of the world's population lives north of the equator, and 80% of the world's population lives below 500 m elevation. This places an overwhelming majority of people at risk when sea levels rise.
Personally I doubt we'll be in for that much flooding, but it's worth to have in mind. The above mentioned application is quite useful to check the geography of the world during various levels of sea rising up to 200m.

In addition, there's those who think we may be close to a pole shift which would also affect the world and its geography and possibly create higher floods or be the reason for a total or near total melting of the poles as the earth could wobble out of its current position which would put the poles at other places geographically.

All of the above posted material is intended for informational purposes in case some of these things should come true and people do need to relocate so they can have some general information on what areas would be safer than others etc.

Some people have taken their precautions already, some are working on it, while others are waiting to process future events before deciding if it is necessary or not to do things such as relocating or establishing communities etc.

The future has many possible outcomes and is not set in stone, but I do see the signs of something coming on many different levels, both social and natural events as well as spiritual ones.

Best wishes,
-Edward Alexander
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