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Old 02-13-2010, 03:11 AM   #8
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Default Re: Could we be Witnessing Weather Wars?

Originally Posted by Stardustaquarion View Post
Fairly enough I woke up this morning with the same idea, my feeling was that the US is not the only one that have ET "friends" and it is possible that other nations including Iran may have acquired this kind of technology

The Russians and the Japanese Yakuza were actually the first onboard with weather wars technology in the 1950s-60s. In 1974 Sec of Defense Robert MacNamara finally got in on the technology....ET may have helped us develop the technology but Tesla was the one who supposedly invented HAARP technology.

So the Americans were actually late bloomers...the problem is none of the humans are using it responsibly, so the fear is that we are going to throw off the delicate balance of nature and start a chain reaction of events that can't be reversed. Leading to droughts, floods and the complete destruction of the environment where the tropics aren't tropical anymore, the grain belt turns into desert and there's no more food production...

The north pole has moved 40 miles north recently, it seems to be on the move...which could lead to the above scenario if it doesn't stop until it reaches Norway.
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