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Old 10-07-2008, 06:32 PM   #21
Posts: n/a
Default Re: All's quiet today (relatively)

i sure hope something happens in the next 48 hours. the web bot was off by a day on the pakistan guy stepping down so im still staying positive that something will happen. not to mention the other 14 PC sources saying something big will happen this month. cmon lets get it on already, bring on the chaos.

ive been a slave for 30 years im ready to be free for the first time in my life. this should be a free planet but its not. i still cant understand how 7 billion people are controlled by a handful of people. everyone needs to do some dmt and get their sh*t together.

and forget peace and love because it wont work right now, infact it never has, just like war and hate has never worked either. you have to have a balance.

im not balanced right now so im gonna go meditate. i really do wish everyone the best but things need to get way worse before they ever get better if it ever will.
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