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Old 01-28-2010, 10:50 PM   #57
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Default Re: I could have done the McCollum interview..

Originally Posted by Carol View Post
Aaron McCollum is a young man who has been through a lot for his short span on the planet. I'm somewhat surprised at how a few members are once again disecting the person, his appearance, his delivery of his information and attempting to discredit him.

It is exactly this type of critical behavior that prevents other witnesses from stepping forward. What witnesses are doing by sharing what they know and revealing their stories is incredibly courageous. They put their lives in danger by doing these interviews. For example we all know Mr. X ended up dead within days after his last interview with Camelot.

What is it with some of the members here? Are there new spooks planted on this forum? I see new members who really are somewhat nasty in their assessment of a witness telling their story and post almost nothiing about the content of his story but instead focus on which directions the eyes are looking toward.

It is understandable that Aaron is nervous and swallowing a lot. He had a support person sitting off to his side because sharing what he knows is scary stuff. He knows what the ramifications are about taking such action and they aren't pretty. Also.. when a person looks to the side they are recalling something they heard, looking up is something seen or read, and looking down one is accessing (remembering) emotions. Basic NLP.

I would suggest one listen to the story with eyes closed if visual stimulous is so distracting and listen with one's heart. There are braincells in the heart and at least in the heart the ego doesn't get in the way of true judgment.
Hey Carol...

I understand what you are saying ....and could I do that..

Yeah if I thought I had something to add....I'd grab someone with a camera and tell the world.

What he looks like or what he does with his eyes really did not play a part into why I started this.

I wanted to express that I feel frustrated by the content...I felt nothing new was brought to the table.

My opinion...only valid in my three feet of reality.

I mulled it over several times before I started....I have not watched a Camelot interview since Pete Peterson.

When I logged in this morning...splashed across the screen was a link for this new interview.

You are probably right....the guy is brave

and I hope to discourage no one from coming forward...but as I stand at the front of the room...I know I'll be critiqued.

Just as I am about this thread.

And I can take it because I knew before I started

I did not think I would be called an Agent...but Oh well

Least the blood is a pumpin'

We all take a risk Carol.....Peace and Aloha
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