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Old 10-07-2008, 06:02 PM   #37
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: If I was David Wilcock....

This is what I wrote to my friends after listening to David's recent phone call with Bill and Kerrry:

"The best of David Wilcock from his last phone call with Bill and Kerry

I wrote it down because it mirrors the way I look at things.
it's just worthwhile going over this and let it sink deeply .

We are all participating in a grand activity of unifying here. There is only ONE here really.
The deepest hidden secret of the Tibetans that now comes into the open is:
« To transcend hope and fear » .

Fear :
What we fear most is death.You can’t die for you are immortal. Even if I die , it’s just another level of my endless existence.

Hope :
If you are hoping that these things are just no going to happen in the future, if you are hoping for this.., if you are hoping for that...
Let’s just get back to the emptiness of the Now, to that place where hope does not need to happen.
In this moment if you truly accept the power of your presence in the Now, that’s everything you need right now , and you can win the game.
You can reunite with the Creator.
And you can finish your great cycle of Evolution in the cosmos and be fully enlighted .
You can stay there and breathe .
Your true essence is light and love and no one can take this away from you.

If you see life as a battle how can there be peace ?
As soon as you concern yourself with the "good" and "bad" of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. Testing, competing with, and criticizing others weaken and defeat you.
All life is a manifestation of the spirit, the manifestation of love. And the Art of Peace is the purest form of that principle.
In extreme situations, the entire universe becomes our foe; at such critical times, unity of mind is essential--- do not let your heart waver!


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