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Old 11-14-2009, 09:58 PM   #369
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 186
Default Re: Project IBIS and Looking Glass disclosures

"We are wheeled out in our cryotanks by small Grey EBE's, out of the craft and down a ramp into the landing port. Rows of human guards in black shiny uniform wait in lines. Human Military officers wait in the upper balcony on the right side of the landing port, around eight small circular ships are docked under the balcony. A military commander dressed in black approaches our line as an extremely tall reptilain entity disambarks from the craft wearing some kind of armour. They speak to each in German with the Reptilian voice like a deep robotic growl. I can hear what they say and understand their language. I used to speak German at the Plume base in Brazil!
The German officer addresses the reptilian with some kind of Sumerian sounding name. I hear the EBE state the following- "

James . Is cryostasis = to cryogenic stasis in tanks ?
I thought until reading this that life can be suspended practically to embryo up to 250 cells size and no more . Is the technology you are referring to new or acquired ?
Is an atmosphere present on the Moon ?
Is a German colony present on the Moon ? On the dark side I suppose ?
How big ? From where do they get supplies ? You mentioned uniforms for instance .
You mentioned the word "defend " the planet . From entities like the ones in Malaysia I presume or there are others ?
Any information on particle beams ? Are they used often ?

Thanks for all this information . Great job !
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