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Old 01-01-2010, 08:15 AM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
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Lightbulb Re: Ideas for Dealing with the Reality of 9-11

Originally Posted by Seashore View Post
This thread is inspired by a post on the "Alex jones loses last thread of credibility" thread concerning the problem of spreading the word about 9-11 truth:

I'm looking for more input from members about what to do regarding spreading the word in relation to 9-11 truth.

It takes a lot of courage to shoot yourself in the foot, unless you're totally mad and/or you'd at least have to be focused on something else while pulling the trigger. From what I've understand, Alexander isn't exactly Braveheart unless the camera is rolling. Maybe he really thought it was a neat idea under the circumstances that was suffering from at the time?

(...regarding the post that was referred to)

I never thought it would come to this.

But I'm actually starting to doubt the UNofficial explanation regarding 9/11.
At "one point" in time, lasting for almost two years, namely late 2001-2003 I felt very alone. I have never considered myself as someone who has a conspiracy theoretic attitude (I'm sort of lying now actually), but I found it rather strange that most people (what am I saying "most people" - EVERYONE) showed such resistance towards the idea that the Bush Boyz (as we called them back then) had anything to do with it. It was just a theory popping up in my mind, that the whole thing was orchestrated... to good to be true.

Motives are important. Motives are often what is most important in a given situation. But I didn't base my assumptions on what motive that was behind. I based it on how obvious it was. I mean, isn't it obvious? Really? Too obvious, almost? I'm actually starting to have second (parallel) thoughts here. Several leisure time investigators tend to forget that "people" who are orchestrating events like these (IF it was orchestrated, that is) are working from a perspective span (regarding duration) that could last for centuries. When I realized how the "brilliant" implementation of communism (which was only a part of a bigger plan) was developed, planned and tested by the same source I was also baffled over the fact how smart these guys really are. If we take 9/11 and look at it for what it really is in its own expression, it is actually something so insignificant that everyone should have moved on by now. What do I mean insignificant?

With all do respect, I am very found of my American brothers, please don't take this the wrong way - but two buildings and 3000 people (yes I know how many buildings including pentagon, it was - don't bother me, I'm trying to make a point) - is nothing! Yes I dare to say - nothing - in comparison to other - more extreme events almost noone know about where 500.000 men women and children were slaughtered in less than two weeks etc. Nobody ever talks about modern events such as Rwanda or Bosnia. And that's what makes 9/11 so special. We're giving it so much attention. That is why I also dare to say that we are still unable to judge what happened there, in regard to motive. I am not actually making any judgements, I am only trying to widen my perspective and share it here since our site isn't up yet.
"I don't believe the US administration had something to do with the attacks on September eleventh, I know it did."
...needs, IMHO to be rephrased. As a careful suggestion I'd say:
"I don't believe George W. Bush would be convicted (found guilty) if he was charged with planning the attacks on September eleventh. I KNOW he would!"
What is it I see? What am I trying to say? Actually nothing! I'm just trying to get my thoughts straighten out (I said that to satisfy category #1). I know I may be vague - it's kind of the point - but anything (specific) above should wake any ideas, don't hesitate to post a few lines.

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