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Old 11-26-2008, 08:36 PM   #6
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Money: the current currency of our ‘intention.’

From "Uncle John"'s post linked above... There are two fundamental questions about this whole financial fiasco.

1 - Why did all these financial institutions with the best minds available let themselves get into the state of bankrupting themselves?

2 - Why didn't the governments of the world let these companies go bankrupt like they deserve instead of bailing them out thereby destroying the future of the countries doing this?

An equally interesting question is why do I have to be the one to find and publish the answers to these hard questions.

The answers all have to do with financial transparency.

The black ops have been funneling trillions off the top for their projects. I assume that they are secretly preparing for some eminent disaster that was foretold by their secret future viewing technologies, Looking Glass for instance.
In my words they are skimming the money because they are afraid and want to save themselves!

The answer to question one is that the governments wanted to run the financial system at a much higher rate than was sustainable in order to be able to funnel off insane amounts of money for their secret projects to prepare for eminent disaster.
Yes, they are 'Factoring' receivables of corporations billing systems from fake errors or discounts or whatever you want to call it. Once those fake receivables have been factored they are then converted into other currency "laundered" into 'transparent' currency of a whole different refractive finance market.

The answer to question two is that the governments can't let the financial records of companies that should go bankrupt be examined by all the lawyers and accountants that would be involved in a bankruptcy proceedings. This would let the cat out of the bag. The excuse that they are too big to fail is plain stupid.
If anyone ever found out that many of the receivables that make up a company's P&L statement is fake and is what has been shoring up its gross worth is in fact from "fake receivables," then yes, questions start to get asked beyond the typical greed of its more than just the money. The deeper questions start to get asked such as what are you doing with all this money? Where is it? and why such high level of secrecy? Why the highest level of protection of this 'accounting,' of this Factoring, laundering and different kind of transperency is so tantamount????? WHAT are they doing???!!!
The real sad part is that the governments were hoodwinked into believing in the eminent disaster by the trickery of the ET's running this planet. There was no real reason for orchestrating this financial fiasco.

Forget the excuse put out by the conspiracy theorist that this was the plan put out by the Illuminati to form a one world government. This excuse just doesn't fly...
The enormity of the distractions of this complex financial weaving is interesting.

Is the IRS the very department in charge of protecting the Black Ops secret laundering scheme of skimming the money off the top of the US financial system in order to build their DUMB system because they are afraid of the end of their world and they want to save themselves. Is there anyone who gets what is going on here and understands what the papertrail means??????

Last edited by Christo888; 11-27-2008 at 02:22 AM.
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