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Old 09-17-2008, 03:10 AM   #53
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: Inverell, N.S.W. Australia
Posts: 8
Default Re: Australian Ground Crew Members?

It is interesting that this thread goes by the tag "Australian Ground Crew". It was six years ago in Uki, N.S.W. I picked up George Green's Handbook for a New Paradigm. It has resided on a bookshelf (after a good read) until last week when I watched all George Green's interviews- Message for the Ground Crew- on Project Camelot. Something clicked. I got up, went to the book shelf and there it was- all ready to be activated by my attention! So now, it appears we are all activated in the opening interlude to the countdown to ascension. And here we all are in OZ ready to rock and roll.

We are in a fortunate location on the planet. It is our task to be certain that each of us- the awake and not-yet-so- have the opportunity to participate in the greatest event of our lifetimes. Lots of talk about "safe places" and community and all of us are feeling urgency in the matter of sorting the "where and with who" program to get through the last phase of tyranny that is on offer as an alternative to personal freedom.

I have been in the Great Brown Land for 26 years and resided throughout much of the Eastern half of the continent. Lots of wonderful places but, in thinking through the issues of sustainable living I have reached some conclusions.

The major CBD metropolises Syd, Melb, Bris, and the entire costal littoral where 80 % of the population live have concentrations of all that we are addicted to as diversion from the mundane pain of life. So, while we come awake in these places, we simultaneously intuit that we are not in a "safe place".

The other alternative, heading for isolation in remote locations carries its own set of problems. The idea of "self sufficiency" on a secluded block is, in my experience, an illusion. Only if we decide that the path to survival is to survive on the bare essentials is it remotely possible, though not probable. Doing without is not the same think as safety or freedom. Such self imposed asceticism is a lonely response to fear.

Experiencing these realization and thinking through the potential shape of a solution to the problem I came to some conclusions. There is a median ground that works for humans. We need critical mass to provide the mix of goods and services that are prerequisite to human comfort and happiness.We do not need that mass to be so massive that there is redundancy and oversupply of these goods and services.

Living in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane offers abundance of opportunity. It also carries the downside that the population density creates a life style that is not very much under our personal control. The potential of complex difficulty in the event that the normal systems of transport, food supply, energy break down, or social upheaval and government/military/police skullduggery occur is ever present.

Reflecting on this dilemma while listening to Bob Dylan one day I heard him say "Wish I was on top of some Australian Mountain Range, Got no reason to be there but I reckon it would be some kind of change". Change was what I was contemplating so, taking his advice, I began to investigate the possibilities.

So, here I am, at 1,980 feet above sea level on the western slopes of the Great Dividing Range. The population is 12,000, large enough to insure that we have that to which we are accustomed but small enough to insure us against the extremes we might imagine when lots of people are suddenly not getting what they need and want. We have less to fall apart here and more natural resources to fall back on should the time come.

So, Ground Crew Of Oz, I wonder if my thought processes approximate your own? Mayan Calendar folks will be across the CREST concept of Intentional Communities. The kind of intentional community available in a location like I describe has people living their life in a normal house on a normal street and in walking distance of every other intentional community member in town. There are, of course, practical issues to be faced, but it is the outline of one kind of solution available to us. What think you?

Check out my website at or email me at Perhaps we can initiate a dialogue that is win-win for planet/people and culture. And, check out our very successful Oz produced e-zine SECOND CREATION available for free download at or In lakesh, Edward Planetary Warrior.
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