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Old 06-04-2009, 09:17 PM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 653
Default Re: "Agenda 21" of the United Nations

Does anyone here REALLY think that things can keep going as they are?

Take oil for instance. Even if there is a lot more of it in classified fields, it is still a finite quantity and will begin to run out. That means transportation as we know it is going to have to change drastically (unless ET technology is liberated). There are some indications that the global oil supply has already peaked and is in decline. Do you understand what that means?

Natural gas has a bit longer to go, but it too will run out. Nitrogen fertilizers are made with natural gas. National Geographic recently identified phosophorus as a key fertilizer that is in danger of running into supply limitations. Agriculture as we currently do it is not sustainable by any stretch of the imagination. Most of those things one speaker mentioned when scoffing at what Agenda 21 classified as sustainable ARE REALLY NOT SUSTAINABLE! Not even for a few more decades.

How do we go about making the transition so that society doesn't collapse when one of the key materials needed goes into a shortage state and the price goes through the roof? Do you have a plan? Study these things and you will found out just how much trouble we are really in. We probably don't have decades to work this out.

Anyone who realizes that we are all one also knows that selfishness is not the way. We do need to take care of each other, and survival of humanity will need to take precedence over individual rights in some cases. Do you know how to make this happen? Think about it.

Imagining a future where humanity and the planet can both survive is not an easy thing to do. Agenda 21 may have problems, but it does at least indicate that some people are thinking seriously about what it will take to avoid complete collapse and give humanity a chance of making it into the distant future. Business as usual is NOT going to cut it.

Anyone who realizes that we are all one also has little use for nationality distinctions. I don't know why so many people get hung up on this one. Looks like the nationality indoctrination works pretty well. We don't really need nations. Nations exist so we can have wars.

No possessions. Even harder to imagine. When John Lennon sang about it in his song "Imagine", it was intended to be a good thing. Share and share alike. I wonder if you can.

There's a fine line between certain aspects of utopia and distopia. Either you do the right thing because it's in your heart, or you do the right thing because you have to. Everyone knows everybody's business because of telepathy and remote viewing, or everybody knows everybody's business because of cameras. You don't have a big house and lots of stuff because there are needy people and you are unselfish, or you don't have a big house and lots of stuff because it's all carefully regulated. So close, and yet so far.

Everyone wants to save the world. No one wants to do what it will take.

What would you do to save humanity from destroying the world and itself? You don't have much time. Go.
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