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Old 01-03-2010, 12:19 AM   #40
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Where Focus goes, Energy follows

Door of Opportunity

It was mentioned in the "Handbooks" that we are entering a "door of opportunity" to create a "New Paradigm" on Earth. I have read many times about this "door of opportunity", Hidden Hand famous thread on ATS being among the ones I consider, even if I am not in accord with everything Hidden Hand has written.

Among all the information about it, the mayan pyramid of consciousness evolution is the one I consider of prime importance to further understand this concept. Carl Johan Calleman is the researcher I refer to when I get information on the pyramid of consciousness:

According to the interpretation here; quotes from Calleman's blog:"The reason I am so emphatic that the end of the Mayan energies is on October 28, 2011 is that if people think it is December 21, 2012 they will simply miss out on co-creating the process." end of the quote.

We are currently at the penultimate stage of evolution. We will enter the last step on the 11th February 2011. The end of that period of evolution that has started 16 billions years ago will end on 28th October 2011, not 21-12-2012. That is quite a journey, an evolution that last, 16 billions of our years...

What Calleman further says is that last step of evolution of human consciousness is about cosmic awareness. The awareness of being co-creator. I see a global understanding of who we are, the Universe we live in, how the Universal Laws of consciousness shapes our reality according to our own consciousness as individual, and as specie. A global progressive awakening by humanity.

This moment, this "door of opportunity" will close on 28th October 2011 according to the mayan pyramid of consciousness. After that date, the result will be shaped according to our state of consciousness. This is why it is very important to shift from the old "victim consciousness" behavior and enter with trust into a new type of consciousness based on "personal responsibility".

The New Paradigm will not come sent by external force upon us, it will be shaped from ourselves to ourselves. There is much work to do at the consciousness level.

Namaste, Steven

Last edited by Steven; 01-03-2010 at 03:53 AM.
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