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Old 03-17-2010, 09:39 AM   #1
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Posts: 467
Default Genuine Questions I have always had

So these may seem like facile questions but if any of us changed our minds on any of these simple things, everything else must shift too. These cover all areas and are not specific to individuals, they are merely questions about things I have heard to be true.

So why would angels have wings if they come from heaven, only things that need to fly in or around the earth have wings?

So why if Karma exists do Tibetians have such seemingly bad karma?

So why wouold aliens come anywhere in ships or why would earthlings, knowing what they know about physics go anywhere in ships?

What are chakra colours to a blind person?

Why does the sun make your skin dark but your hair light?

Why does time here go in a straightline when everything in nature around us is a circle?

why isnt hunger or thirst the 6th sense?

Thats enough for now.....the list quite simply goes on and on

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