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Old 01-19-2010, 12:11 AM   #37
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 144
Default Re: Everything You Believe In, Is Based Upon Lies!

Such a great topic idea - and metaphorically that story is interesting if you can see past the language.

Everything you believe in is well - a better way of putting it is - you are a product of your environment. Your beliefs and filters DO come from others opinions, stories and you are constantly validating each thing that comes to your and accepting or rejecting it (within degrees) and forming your own filters and beliefs.

So it is important to use your discernment against what comes to you from others. But fear not them - it's not intentional "lies" - it's you observing their fleeting beliefs and sometimes forgetting the validation/discernment piece. That's all - and we all do this. There is no conspiracy here other than being human. The "powers that be" are only there - because you believe they are. So within yourself, always question everything - challenge your own beliefs, don't be overly emotionally triggered when your truths emerge and they are different than others - the path of righteousness will put you back where you started. Focus on what you have in common.

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