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Old 10-01-2008, 03:22 AM   #62
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Bloodline insider speaks out!

Originally Posted by Maya View Post
I just wondered if anyone else had thought what he/she meant with the words "".......I said more than you read,..."

Was he/she meaning it by way of a hidden message or simply meaning that we should read the actual answers on a deeper level?
I just took it to mean that one should read slowly, think about the responses given, read between the lines, etc. Most people when reading anything (myself included) don't do this.

And this may be irrelevent, but what I understood about the PTB:
- there are the gov'ts or GWB's of the world...
- there are the Rockefellers/Rothschilds/etc. of the world...
- then there are those above all of these? Powers we don't even know the names of?
- these PTB without names are supposedly 'neutral', simply providing knowledge, it's up to "us" how we use it...

The one thing I fail to see is that there blatantly is a conspiracy against humanity with engineered diseases, destroying our air/food/land/water/psyches. Now, from my own thinking on this, it sounds as though the nameless PTB provide 'knowledge' to the named PTB, and the named PTB use this supposedly neutral information to the detriment of the planet's population.

And we, the common folk, accept what we get presented with (for the most part).

I also see many, err, inconsistencies/contradictions in this document, but I've been going on about 10 hours sleep in the last 68 hours so it's all fuzzy at this point. This person did seem to judge a bit, and dole out the 'spiritual advice' despite saying let no man stand between you and the Divine Law (or whatever it was she/he said). Secondly, if we as humans in the flesh and as souls are all equal, then why do certain souls get to repeatedly incarnate into the same 'privileged' families? If no one is more gifted or at an advantage than another, why do these souls/families get to have this information while the rest of us are left to blunder on ignorantly, or, by some stroke of magnificent luck, question our reality and head down the spiritual path?

Anyway, maybe these questions are irrelevant but they were things I was thinking about. Might be my own 'issues' about hierarchy :P Or they may be valid questions, ones that I do not have answers for.

I really do not think that, if certain souls have the choice to incarnate into privilege and knowledge, while the rest of us have no such choice, how is that equal, how is that aiding 'their' evolution, and how does it aid our evolution if we're so easily able to slip simply by making offhand comments and lengthening our samsara?
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