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Old 11-25-2008, 04:32 PM   #21
Project Camelot Witness
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Posts: 358
Default Why is it encoded ?

Dear Geraldine

Good point, why does the Force of Light encode its presence? Does it have to protect itself?

Perhaps the answer is in the question. Thanks so much for your observations that show you can observe what the lense of the seers shows...

On a slightly different note, while preparing my future mini video podcast / forecast series... and while studying with an investigative depth psychology eye (in Scorpio moon) the writings of people at large and while in discussions with friends and clients...

What occurs to some of us when we are looking at all of Avalon and many other forums is that most people are deeply sad and depressed that the ancient Light is taking over while their Roman empire is crumbling, and it is ever so subtle, and yet when you read through thousands of posts, videos, books, articles, essays and contributions, and you really LOOK between the lines of what is left unsaid, like the SEER who observes the Ancient One, you will find out that mass psychosis is breaking out because the LIGHT is actually winning.

This is why the light-bearers and light-workers get attacked.

This is a key thing I predicted in Light-Seeds would happen.

Peace and many thanks for your presence here

Last edited by StClair; 11-25-2008 at 06:12 PM.
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