Thread: Cheerleading!
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Old 01-11-2010, 12:43 PM   #7
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Location: CT, MA, RI
Posts: 127
Default Bumping Again!

Had to bring this to the forefront yet again because Unconditional Love with Wisdom IS in the Air as never before in time ALL around IS resonating powerfully with far too many Friends of mine, near and far.

Seems something is up...Way UP ...NOW is the Time to Act!!!

The Game of Deceit and Control IS over and done with because an entrainment of stepping aside and allowing it to fall by the wayside has occurred en-masse in clusters world-wide!

More and more beautiful, giving People are flowing in Synchronicity to a Higher Spiritual Drum Beat that has pretty much drowned out the multi-media-fear-propagation-machine!

Simplicity In The Now of a Third Kind!

Go! Go! Go!

-If You have been seriously contemplating a geographic move and all the ducks are not in a row make a reasonable attempt to move

-If You have an inclination to walk away from Your home and mortgage and have a reasonable option in front of You take that option now.

-If You have an inclination to walk away from the bank and insurance and legal implications in Your life to whatever degree You are able and You have options in front of You take those options now.

-If You have relatives or friends that are of semi-like-mind-and-heart that have property open to You and it is off-grid or somewhat-off-grid take that opening now.

-If You can share a country home with relatives or friends that You can live with without dismembering their body parts go live with them now.

-If You have a way to live without money to any degree take up that way to any degree now.

-If You can get out in nature for at least an hour daily...get out in nature for an hour daily, now.

-If You cannot get out in nature for at least an hour daily...get out in nature for an hour daily, now.

-If You know anyone in the military or politics or education or state/government employ that You can reasonably influence in a positive forthright way to change the things that bother them...from the bottom up...influence them to change the things that bother them, now.

-If You feel You have wronged someone or they have wronged You make it right anyway You can any degree You can, if You are able, now!

-If You do not fully love Yourself, fully love Yourself, now.

- Meditate on it in Your own way, now.

- Do what YOU want, now.

...these are simply cheers of suggestion, albeit strong suggestion.


If You have contemplated making ANY of these changes...
I strongly suggest to bump it up from contemplation to action right now!

And connect with nature ANYWAY you may, right now...

Aho!!! In Wisdom and Love!
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