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Old 10-17-2008, 08:08 AM   #21
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: The Real Mer ka Ba, not the new age disinformation.

Thank you for your version of the Mer Ka Ba meditation.

Since variations of the Mer Ka ba can be found cross culturally the world over, I am very interested to hear where your version originates.

As you know, this meditation is not to be taken lightly by any means. There are many dangers inherent in the misapplication of the various stages... as well as grave danger involved with the SPECIFIC INTENT of the engaged meditator.

You stated in the title of this thread that YOUR version is THEE version... the rest you casually dismissed as "new age disinformation." This is quite a bold, and sweeping generalization of a statement.

If you KNOW that other versions are purposely created as disinformation, it is your DUTY as a lightworker to "save" the rest of the poor souls that have been lead astray by said "disinformation." Whose versions are disinfo? This is a fundamental question in which your very statement begs the answer.

After a statement such as the labelling of all other MER KA BA meditations (but yours) being "New Age Disinfo," I believe you are karmically bound to name the facillitators engaged in said "New Age Disinformation." Otherwise, to withhold this information is like letting a child play with a loaded gun. I have witnessed first hand what miscomprehension of this meditation may lead to. Simply put, one in your position MUST be responsible. This goes beyond a thread posted in a forum that motivates people out of fear to prepare for physical survival at the cost of living in the heart.

I am surprised that a seasoned practitioner, such as yourself, did not mention the importance of holding unconditional love in your heart before, during, and after the meditation. A unity breath meditation is commonly used before and after.

Of course, You may know some ancient text that I am not privy towards. I accept that. I only know what I KNOW through being... through sharing... through serving. MY TRUTH is seeing the happiness and well being that the FOL program has brought to over 40 countries currently... Diseases being cured, cancers put in remission, previously unknown levels of spiritual evolution being transcended by average people like you and me.

I am always interested to find where new versions of this meditation originate... It may not be new to you, but it is surely new to those of us that have had our lives changed dramatically by faithful practice of Drunvalo's version of this meditation over the course of years. For me, it has opened avenues of reality that a normal person would find unfathomable.

Most people, myself included, needed to be physically shown in person how to successfully engage in this most valued gnosis.

Do you facilitate such a workshop? I wish to attend.

I thank you in advance for providing this back ground information.

Please realize the grave nature of this topic... The spirit of this post is in the safety of the public and is not meant to be a public attack... I would never dare to call your version "new age disinfo" until I had ALL of the proper back ground facts and had learned it in person from you or one of your authorized facilitators; just as I am sure you went in person to a Licensed FOL facilitator before you deemed Drunvalo's version (and ALL versions but yours) "disinfo."

En Lak'esh
You are another me

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