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Old 02-12-2009, 07:33 PM   #16
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Anyone know of a live interview of AstralWalker?

Originally Posted by Luminari View Post
Do you honestly think university education has any relevance to the material Astralwalker has presented and its validity or invalidity?
What I think is relevant, is that anyone presenting new theories (not just pictures of hundreds of other people’s work), would understand the value of peer review of their theory. Those with some college or university training would know about this peer review process. All you have to do, is go to website which show peer review journals in medical science, peer review in scientific journals, in the debate of the application of law by judges and attorneys… where professionals debate the pros and cons of new data obtained from research.

What I meant by “If you have done serious scientific study in any university, you would welcome and expect that”, is exactly what I say. He should welcome peer review, and he should document as much as he is proposing with references to the source of his information. Many photos he has presented do not give reference to the sources. There is no way to verify whether they are real or not. If they are his own personal photos, he should claim ownership. If they are photos of others, he should give their source. He should have footnotes to all sources of information that are not his. There is nothing to be ashamed of if you have to reference the work of others that have come before you.

How about the Hidden Hand material? Im grateful to your efforts to correlate that information (I was going to do that myself but you were too quick ) however there was no chance of you analysing the nuances of his body-language either. Does that make the information any less profound?
Yep, it should be subject to debate and discussion as well. And many are. It is very unfortunate that we don’t have the real Hidden Hand person to see or talk to.

It is from my heart, that I want to know more about Astralwalker through live interviews.
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