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Old 08-18-2009, 04:03 PM   #23
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: rockerfeller - is scared !!! the world is starting to do business differently !!

Originally Posted by eXchanger View Post
the internet was a gift from the et's

I do not agree with this statement at all. Everything does not have to be attributed to ET's, humans are actually quite amazing. It seems as if some humans must have horribly bad self esteem to believe continually that anything that is intelligent must have come from outside sources the ET's. Religion has trained people to look outside of themselves for a saviour, and now if you do not believe your government will save you, you can now look to the Et's to save you. This planet has many brilliant minds that have created many wondrous things. We are trained with disinformation, to look at everything as being outside of ourselves, attribute it elsewhere.

The internet as well as cell phones are an excellent way for the PTW to control and monitor human activity and people are willing to pay for it themselves, what better system could there be. It was brilliant planning on how to get people to pay for there own monitoring system. I wrote before on cell phones and how they are an external form of the implants everyone is saying they do not want, and actually worse in many ways than an implant could be.

Of course they are going to put a few PTW's grumbling about its usage. Just like they give you a "Two Party" system. It is a huge money maker for the PTW ,with all the porn they provide and sell as well as a vehicle for them to spread disinformation such as the ET's are responsible for everything, so they can always have a cover for the nefarious activities they themselves do. Also then people will call all the advanced craft they have UFO's, they even come up with all of the terminology for you, convenient. The PTW will even set up groups on the internet for you to join, in 360 degree arrangements of views. They even set up groups which appear to be opposing their views. Why would they chop of the arms that feed them money and every detail of your activities? They may alter the content once full control, and people become addicted and dependent on them. They are already altering content, Wikipedia is a good example of that. Dividing people into 2 factions politically was clever, but now they have people dividing themselves up into thousands of groups. It is always amazing to me how just because someone calls themselves a "Whistleblower" and they were part of black ops, and now says well I am now a "White Hat", not to really question whether or not they are not in the employ still of the government. They even found another way they can then get gullible people to supplement the income of their agents, very clever funding practices.

It gives platforms for all of the groups they set up if you can not catch a fish one way they use another bait. It is way to valuable for PTW as a vehicle of control, will they alter some of accessibility in some ways, perhaps as another means of psychological warfare. It's like there supposed "War On Drugs" an act, another money maker as all wars are. The only war is on the competitors of government dealing.

It's time for beings to come to a 360 degree view, of just how wonderful they are, and know the whole white hat, black hat is still another ploy in the whole duality paradigm. That is why there is so much talk of the Greys, Et's the focus on outside grey. It is time for the greys, as in the grey matter of our brains to combine in unity with the heart within. I am not talking about the emotional heart but heart intelligence united with the grey intelligence from within, that is the unity to be seeking. There are groups formed for Unity outside, which is not possible with out the Unity within. When the Unity is in place within, it makes the outside groups obsolete, for then they just are. Besides the PTBEE actually want Unity, a Unity focused outside of yourself the goal is Hive mind for them. A top down Unity where if not in Unity with Queen Bee Hive Mind, one thought , one mind, everyone mindlessly following (Unity) from the top, then the other bees just kill the individual thinker. , that is Unity externalized. The Rockefeller's have funded many such world Unity movements, as it goes hand in hand with their vision of One World Government.

Last edited by judykott; 08-18-2009 at 05:32 PM.
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