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Old 11-07-2008, 07:24 AM   #13
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 171

Originally Posted by Kelphi View Post
Et's are demons people. Don't mix truths together. Black and white is still gray. Its either one or the other. Remember the greatest trick the devil has ever done was convince people he doesn't exist. As long as Satan has you in the gray his job is done. You are right where he wants you.

Everyone that has ever come out of any type of occult group even down to the simplest witch practicing their majic will tell you that ET's are demons. The bible was the very first to mention demons. Demons knew exactly who Jesus was for they begged Him not to destroy them before their time had come. In one instance Jesus granted them this by casting them in a herd of pigs and ran them off a tall cliff into the ocean. Jesus knows their time.

Do not trust ET's, or the spiritists who contact them. It is an abomination to the Lord Jesus Christ. You have been warned. I warn you out of love.

Satan and a third of the angels were thrown out of heaven and ever since they will be futile in their efforts to thwart God. The bible calls Satan the god of this world Lucifer and God has allowed Satan to set up his kingdom on earth for one last show down and then his time will have come to an end.

Matt.24-The coming of the Lord will be like the days of Noah. Want to know what the days of Noah were like. Read Genesis Chapter 6. Demons were trying to taint the human blood line that Jesus would come through by breeding with humans. That is why there is an ever increase in alien abductions happening today. For the past 40 years Demons have been more increasingly obsessed with communicating to humans, occupying humans and abducting humans with particular interest in our reproductive system. Some how they think they are going to thwart God's plan.
If i wanted a lecture on the bible I would have gone to church today. Please go post your mindless information in a christian website. The only truth is that of love ,freedom and the Law of ONE.
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