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Old 03-21-2010, 05:33 PM   #59
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Prometheus Initiative

Originally Posted by GregorArturo View Post
Excellent question. Yes that is my ultimate goal, and it doesn't seem like anyone has been working on it. Because if the coil starts spinning, there will be an immediately direct energy amplification. And in terms of free energy, it can be exponential, especially when applied to a feedback loop, where it would reach some theoretical maximum speed that would only be limited by the friction within the environment/system.

I began working on a new concept today about how to make the rodin coil capacitor maybe work more effectively. I was thinking about the atom, and how the rodin coil represents the electron cloud, while the center should represent the nucleus which is positively charged.

I began thinking about an octahedron after someone mentioned to me that its possible to use a pyramid to step up voltage. I also remember a year back hearing that the Roswell craft had an octahedron in the center of it. I figured out how to wire an electromagnet octahedron that could represent the nucleus. I am working on it right now, about to wire this moment while watching The Prestige go figure haha. More later.

Awesome! I just watched Rodin's 2008 lecture on youtube, and was reading all of the negative, naysaying comments - as well as watching genuine attempts by people to figure out how to use the coil. And if you've seen rodin talk you know he gets "terse" as he says because he knows that people aren't totally getting it - even after 20 years of his effort. I was trying to figure out what everybody isn't getting.

So in short I almost didn't think that spinning the coil itself would do anything (just because I have no idea what I'm getting into here ) but I started asking myself "If everyone has it all backwards..." and then spinning the actual COIL made a lot more sense.

I really hope that's the thing everyone is missing! Man I'm PUMPED to see what happens.
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