Thread: Police state UK
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Old 11-02-2008, 01:08 AM   #33
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Default Re: Police state UK

Middlesbrough borough council are knocking on doors asking occupiers to fill in the electoral regester............and further more i will tell you something about voting...........the government know who you vote for..........think not!........let me explain ,,,, (bear with me UK for international readers), when a general election is called, all house holds in the UK get a pollong card addressed to the person eligable to vote. Now on the day of the vote you take your polling card to the polling station (they are usually set up in schools town halls village halls libraries ect throughout a given borough, you hand in your pollling card the person who you give it too looks your name up on a geat long sheet of names, at the side of your name is a code number she or he writes this on your voting slip....get vote your local mp labour conservative liberal..whatever and its there for any official to check, thats been going on since i was old enough to vote i am 47 now 29 years ago..
so its not and never has been a secret ballot.

with regards to drug taking yoofs .............. why?
why does todays young seem to go out of its way to intimidate
when i was younger i (through respect) would never give the elderly stick,
and i live in middlesbrough brought up on council estates, the best xmas prezzi i ever got off my parents was a fidelity radio mw/lw
my kids have had everything and i am embarresed for them
no drive no ambition they dont want to know... i give up with em... and thats my kids, i have never raised so much as an eyebrow to them'

my son when he was 14 went out of the house 10.30pm walked around the corner and slashed a neighbours car tyres
you know what his excuse was...these were his words "i was on a mission".
he had just been playing for 4 hours on some video game, don't try and tell me it is not the games that cause some bother
have you ever listened to US soldiers in Iraq banging on like shooting everyone they see is like the greatest video game......come on

todays yoof wants a good kick up the **** and i reckon 90% plus of my generation reckon so

and you lot are part of the reason the country is like it is being on the set of some giant outdoor film plot,,,,,, cctv everywhere and the obvious erosion of our civil liberties

give you playstation xbox and whatever else, give you e's, give you coke, heroin, cheap booze, only tap your wrists when caught doing wrong, make you seem untouchable by the law, (childline, don't smack your children), then over 20 years of all this do goody good rubbish and it breeds what our younger generation is today, so that the PTB can take from us the civil liberties fought for by our forefathers.

todays young is blind only seeing what is in its best interests ..... all you under 25's step back from what you are, look at what you have done and breath in the world and prison you are creating.

Don't blame me or my generation, we've done our bit, start doing yours

give yer head a shake and sort yer piggin selves out
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