Thread: Oh no.....
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Old 10-04-2008, 08:59 PM   #8
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Oh no.....

Originally Posted by Thunderbird View Post
People of Earth....
Heres whats up

a child of a cat grows up to be....a cat

a child of a dog grows up to be..a dog

a child of god grows up to be.....thats guessed it...GOD

we here on the fringe of what is "REAL"
have a responsibility to GROW UP and focus on what we EXPECT to see happen from an ALL loving, ever present force of creation that moves through all things...

THIS IS WHAT FEAR IS HERE TO DO: get you motivated to TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for what is created HERE on earth NOW.

what you focus upon becomes your reality.

is ONE measly little person focusing on a positive set of possibilities POWERFUL enough to MANIFEST it for the whole world?

DEPENDS on what you believe about yourself....

are you crazy enough to be GOD?

"aww who would ever wanna be king..." - Coldplay, "Viva La Vida" 2008

one bird n a flock of birds flying turns and the whole flock turns...

are you made of enough love to BE that bird?

as a species we are being asked to TAKE responsibility for the manifestation of our existence... can we control it?

have we EVER before been pressured to do so in such a obvious and forthright way?

diamonds are made with the type of pressure we as a species are facing...


"Salvation can be thought of as a game that happy children play. It was designed by the One Who Loves his children, and who would replace their fearful toys with joyous games, which teach them that the game of fear (False Evidence Appearing Real) is gone. His game instructs in happiness because there is no loser. Everyone who plays must win, and in his winning is the gain of everyone assured. The game of fear is gladly laid aside, when the children of God come to see the benefit salvation brings.

You who have played that your a lost to hope, abandoned by your father, eft alone in terror in a fearful world made mad by sin and guilt; be happy now. THAT GAME IS OVER. Now a quiet time has come, in which we put away the toys of guilt, and lock our quaint and childish thoughts of sin forever from the pure and holy minds of Heavens children and the Sons and daughters of God.

We pause but for a moment more, to play our final, happy game upon this Earth. and when we go to take our rightful place where truth abides and games are meaningless. So is the story ended. Let this day bring the last chapter closer to the world, that everyone may learn that the tale he reads of terrifying destiny, defeat of all his hopes, his pitiful defense against a vengeance he cannot escape, IS BUT HIS OWN DELUDED FANTASY. God's ministers have come to waken him from the dark dreams this story has evoked in his confused, bewildered memory of this distorted tale. God's son can smile at last, at learning that this is not true."

are you willing to be crazy enough to look at the world as your own deluded fantasy and be willing and open enough to take responsibility for that power in creation, and steer your focus on to TRUE peace and harmony for yourself, the world?

can you look at the "bad guys" "doing this" and recognize their place WITHIN you and OWN their madness? recognize that as low as they go in weakness and fear is EXACTLY how low and weak you would go if given the same set of circumstances they have experienced...

had YOU learned the gullibility of the human race....
had YOU learned of the supposed threats we face...
had YOU learned the true destiny of our kind...
and if YOU had the power to help us GET to our destiny....

can you OWN that?
can you admit your potential sociopathy
can you LOVE yourself knowing the depths of depravity you are capable of?

can you STILL love yourself knowing how much pain and grief you have caused?

can YOU forgive yourself and accept the power that you represent.....

the ALL SPARK you contain?

can you decide the course of destiny?

this is what we as a species are being asked....

are YOU GROWN UP enough?

Its over.

this game has no place here.

This game of fear is over.

let all beings become aware of their divinity.

my creative solution is that all beings awaken NOW to the truth of Love and the power of the divine within them. this is not some hippy bullsh!t. this is THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT UNDERSTANDING THAT WILL SPREAD THROUGHOUT THE WORLD AND ERADICATE THAT WHICH WE FEAR.


the WEAK need symbols and codes...
the FEARFUL need generations of planning and subversion....
the SMALL need magic and conjuring...
the UNFORTUNATE need terror as a tactic...
the POOR LOST SOULS need to force and manipulate...

YOU the STRONG and courageous are blessed with obviousness
YOU the FEARLESS are moved by the almighty and do so NOW
YOU the Facet of the divine ARE magic
YOU the FORTUNATE are infused and moved by the hand of creation and need no tactic
YOU the BLESSED shall witness your creativity be made manifest.



Aho brother, Aho.

This may seem unrelated but to me I find it to be quite related. This is a song that a buddy of mine sent me and it seems to be pertinent if you are able to read between the lines! Check it out! Peace and love.
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