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Old 06-02-2009, 04:39 PM   #20
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Does Obama Use Neuro-Linguistic Programming Techniques in Speeches?

tone3jaguar...I think it would be more helpful if you spelled this out in specifics.
He is just a good guy who is naturally calm at speaking and has walked into a hornets nest. None of the people who judge him have ever had to take on any where close to the level of responsibility and expectations that he has now. Moreover if they ever did they would probably crumble because they would obsess about how they are being judged by the world. It is a mind virus of our western culture to focus on other people and amplify their flaws so that people can feel better about the things they don't like about themselves.

The guy says inspirational things, then people are inspired. It is not complicated, it is not a conspiracy to control your mind. Why did he write checks that he has not cashed in yet? For f--ks sake people! He was handed the biggest cluster f--k of all time and has handled it graciously, and kept his cool.

Another aspect of the smear Obama movement that is a amazing to me is how gullible the people swept up in it have become. In one breath they will say "The Media Lies to Us, errrrr" Then in the next breath they will judge someone based off of a conglomeration of what they have seen in the media? So the media is lieing, but we are basing our opinions on it?

People need to pull their heads out of their asses and stop pointing fingers at others and saying "So and so is responsible for my situation". They all need to wake the f--k up and realize that they are 100% responsible for everything that they attract into their reality weather it is pleasant or not.
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