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Old 07-10-2009, 01:44 PM   #29
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Healing Meditation

Friends Zeddo posted a request for healing.
Keep him in your meditations.

Loving kindness

Hi All
Hmmmm, I tried posting this in another thread with a similar title because my logic was telling me that all you beautiful pople who deal in the healing spectrum would be following that thread, but try as I may, it would no go in. Strange but there is always a reason for these things.

I have been following Brooks healing request and simultaneously been putting off a similar request for myself but the time has come. I need the healing touch.

There is this nasty growing on my right shoulder which started off as many of these sking BC's do. The difference with this one was that when I used the treatment that usually knocks them for 6 when they are still small, this one just went nuts and has turned out to be really something ugly. I have had enough of being sliced and diced, burned and churned. I look like a patchwork quilt I have had so many surgical removals, and I have had enough of it.

What is it? A basal cell carcenoma is the medical term, frigging parasite is my term. The thing went septic and I was given antibiotics for it which cleared up the infection but the tumor is still very much there. Believe me, I have meditated, spoken to my guides etc etc etc, but all appear to be silent on this one. Should I go for surgery? I asked, no reply. Then I was reading Brooks thread and my inner voice/guide instructed me to ask for healing here.

You have no idea but it is tough for me to ask for you lovely souls to assist, who knows why, ego probably, but here goes

Love Light Blessings and Peace to All

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