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Old 03-18-2010, 12:32 AM   #4
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Northern England
Posts: 12
Default Re: The Great Gathering Together 'Truth' Circles

Thank you for your good words and encouragement.

Have you ever passed a talking stick in the open-air in a large group of people? Probably many people have done this; but probably many have not done it .... yet.

That is where I first found my voice.

Around one mile from Glastonbury Tor, over 100 of us sat in a circle in a field. Three RAF helicopters were coming, high, in our direction, and they changed course above our big talking circle in the field. Next to me, a young boy whispered to his mother if we had caused that. She answered with pride that we had caused that big event in the sky.

Ever since, I have found talking circles very powerful experiences. There seems to be a 'power' which propels us to speak, and to listen - you know?. Listen and speak, but speaking can be important - can't it - because 'we' may the only one who knows what we know, and what we know and feel may be important, and sometimes very important.

That's really what this 'World Talking Circle' / 'Great Gathering Together Circle' / 'Gathering Together Circles' is promoting. It's to help people, who have not already found their voices, speak.

I think, when we have found our own voice, in some ways it is then easier to hear other people; to hear other people as authentic and real people - like ourselves.

I will always remember the 'three helicopters' time, when the talking stick came around to me the first time, I looked around the circle, and half the people were looking at me, and it was my turn to speak... for the first time.

Best wishes, Michael
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