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Old 01-25-2010, 07:04 PM   #24
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: This one is titled Pelosi... What a horrible woman she is...

Nancy Pelosi, is the head of America's House of Representitives... The changes
that take place in the Laws of our country goes first thru the House then
if passed in the House go to our Senate... It has been Nancy Pelosi that fast
tracks the process [Passing these NEW bills, without each house member
having a document to READ] calling for a vote without proper debate of the
issues in the draft of the bill.

Further, this woman granted stimulus funds to companies her husband invests
in... a trooly conflict of interest... And, FYI... I don't really care what one has
between there legs... more importantly it what they have between their ears.
As it was shown; she feels she can take funds and use them to enrich her own
life... A public servant that commits fraud, theft, corruption, a Troo crimmal
and the citizens of California, just let it continue. Allow her to be elected term
after term... Whereas, she NEEDS to be held accountable for her actions...
They ALL do...

NO, its not a male thing... its a Lazy thing... As I said she is a 'progressive '
meaning progress away from FREEDOM... Handing Americans over to the IMF
is the their plan. World Bankers... The state of America, has been planned for
a long time... The REAL power in America is in " We the People "... Here, I
know; that Obama is going to try and take down the internet to STOP the
news of this... But, I believe when he tries the people will Rise Up...



Originally Posted by feardia View Post
I don't know who nancy pelosi is, or what she does, but i think she has a big shout in the USA and is bad news. During the iraq war i was particularly angry every time I seen Condoleeza Rice on tv, but in reality she was no worse than dick cheney or donald rumsfeldt, so why was I picking up on her?

Perhaps its a male thing that we expect women to behave in a certain way, but in reality I am sure there are a lot of guys equally bad or worse, such as Chertoff or even Arnie and guys never single them out for abuse. No doubt nancy Pelosi thinks she is at the cutting edge of the women's equality agenda and she will do what has to be done.

Just an observation.
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